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24.People in South America began to eat the first chocolate  ______of

years ago.

25.In those days, they did not       eat chocolate but enjoyed a

kind of chocolate drink made by cocoa bean(可可豆).

26.Little by little, people came to like the       of chocolate.

27. John Cadbury wanted to      people to drink chocolate instead of other drinks.

28. But at that time, only the      people could buy chocolate because it was very expensive.

29. Later, as the production of the chocolate was increased, it became       .

30. Nowadays the famous milk chocolate made in Cadbury’s factory has been the most      

chocolate in Britain as well as all over the world.

Part 2  Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分 词汇和语法)


17. The old farmer was going to sell his horse because it was too sick.

18. The market was quite near, so they walked instead of riding on the horse.

19. The old farmer was too tired to walk on, so he rode on the horse.

20. Two old ladies thought it was the boy not the farmer who should ride on the horse.

21. When the boy was riding on the horse, a young lady stopped them.

22. The farmer took two old men’s advice and rode on the horse with his son.

23. The story told us it’s impossible to make everyone happy.


7. A) Beer.       B) Wine.       C) Nothing.          D) Tea. 

8. A) Fishing.     B) Swimming.       C) Dancing.        D) Skating.

9. A) Apple.      B) Orange.      C) Banana.            D) Pear.

10.A) To study at home.                  B) To see a film.

C) To see a play.                     D) To attend a lecture.

11. A) An astronaut.  B) An engineer.    C) A football player.     D) A nurse.

12. A) 5.       B) 25.              C) 20.           D) 15.

13. A) It’s raining.    B) It’s snowing.    C) It’s windy.         D) It’s fine.

14. A) On foot.       B) By taxi.           C) By underground.     D) By bus.

15. A) 8:00 a.m.    B) 9:00 a.m.          C) 10:00 a.m.          D) 5:00 p.m.

16. A) A doctor.    B) A student.         C) A teacher.          D) A headmaster.



1. ______     2. ______    3. ______    4. ______    5. ______    6. ______










(1)        ,善假于物也。(荀子《劝学》)

(2)后人哀之而不鉴之,       。(杜牧《阿房宫赋》)

(3)出师未捷身先死,          。(杜甫《蜀相》)

(4)             ,猿猱欲度愁攀援。(李白《蜀道难》)

(5)《等待戈多》的作者萨缪尔·贝克特是    派戏剧的代表作家。

(6)《红楼梦》中的四大家族,除贾家、王家、薛家之外,还有    家。

