0  321067  321075  321081  321085  321091  321093  321097  321103  321105  321111  321117  321121  321123  321127  321133  321135  321141  321145  321147  321151  321153  321157  321159  321161  321162  321163  321165  321166  321167  321169  321171  321175  321177  321181  321183  321187  321193  321195  321201  321205  321207  321211  321217  321223  321225  321231  321235  321237  321243  321247  321253  321261  447090 

27. -------The farmers lived near the high way.

------- _________very noisy.

A. That might be    B. They must be     C. It must have been   D. There must be


26. _______ to go out alone, the retired minister had to go for a walk with several policemen following him.

A. Warned not    B. Not warning     C. Warning not     D. Not warned


25. _______ I really don’t like art, I find his work impressive.

A. As       B. Since        C. If         D. While


24. Whom ______ Tom saw it in the park last week?

A. it was that    B. it was whom     C. was it that     D. was it whom


23. A great many books _______every year, and large quantities of them ______ well.

A. have published; sells          B. have been published; sell

C. have been published; sells        D. has been published; sell


22. ----I saw Jane and her boyfriend in the park at eight yesterday evening.

 ----Impossible. She ______ TV with me in my home then.

A. watched     B. had watched     C. would watch.    D. was watching


第一节  单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

21. While Kate was studying    biology in France, she developed     taste for fine wines.

A. the; a      B. 不填;不填     C. 不填;a     D. the; the


35.(7分)材料1:1642年,比利时科学家海尔蒙特进行了一项著名的柳树实验。他在一个花盆里栽种了一棵2.3 kg的柳树。栽种前,花盆里的泥土经过高温烘烤干燥后称重为90.8 kg。以后的5年中,海尔蒙特除了只给柳树浇水外,没有在花盆里添加任何物质,每年秋天柳树的落叶也没有称重和计算:5年后,他将柳树和泥土分开称重,发现柳树的重量变成了76.7 kg,泥土烘干后的重量为90.7 kg,比原来只减少0.1 kg。于是他得出结论:柳树获得的74.4kg物质只是来源于水:


(1)根据你所掌握的生物学知识,判断海尔蒙特的结论   (是/否)确切?因为:


   (2)花盆内的泥土减少了0.1 kg,其原因是               

(3)请用上表数据在指定方格纸内绘出植物叶片光吸收变化曲线,并   分析得出结论。              。                  

(4)C02浓度对植物光合作用强度影响的规律如右图。当外界C02浓度处于A时,植物叶片光合作用所固定的C02量与     相等;为提高封闭大棚内作物产量,棚内人工释放C02应控制在      (填图中字母)浓度为宜。

