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(   )





A.①②      B.②③  

C.③④     D.②④ 

8.从政治学角度看,漫画是在强调我国各级政府及其公职人员要(   )

   ①坚持按客观规律办事        ②树立求真务实的工作作风

   ③切实履行经济职能         ④加强党的思想作风建设

   A.①②      B.②③       C.③④       D.①④


6.温家宝总理在出席世界经济论坛2009年年会时发表了《坚定信心、加强合作、推动世界经济新一轮增长》的特别致辞,提出四点意见:一是深化国际经贸合作,推进多项贸易体制健康发展。二是推动国际金融体系改革,加快建立国际金融新秩序。三是加强国际金融监管合作,防范金融风险积聚和扩散。四是切实保护发展中国家利益,促进世界经济共同发展。从辩证法角度看,总理的四点意见依次主要体现了(   )

   ①两点论与重点论的统一      ②用发展的观点看问题 

   ③量变与质变的关系原理      ④坚持联系的观点

   A.①②③④   B.④③②①    C.②①④③     D.④②③①



A. 传统文化是现代思想的主要源头    B. 传统文化是传统文化是历史发展中形成的

C. 传统文化仍有现实意义        D. 传统文化是民族生存的基础


4. “李杜诗篇万古传,至今已觉不新鲜。江山代有才人出,各领风骚数百年。”这篇《论诗》道出了文化发展规律--不断创新,永无止境。要进行文化创新,就必须 A.继承传统,推陈出新   B.在继承的基础上发展,在发展的过程中继承

C.面向世界,博采众长   D.积极参加社会实践



① 殷周时期是中华文化最初的形成时期 ② 春秋战国时期中华文化得到大发展 ③ 秦朝的统一促进了中华文化的发展 ④ 宋朝时儒家学说确立了至尊地位 ⑤ 隋唐中华文化达到全盛时期 ⑥ 元朝时中国文化开始走向衰落

A.①③④⑤   B.②④⑤⑥   C.②③⑤   D.①②③④⑤⑥



A.要夸奖其他民族的文化        B.要尊重其他民族的文化

C.各民族的所有文化都是世界文化中不可缺少的色彩   D.民族文化具有多样性



① 物质资料生产方式  ② “三个代表”重要思想  ③ 古代四大发明  ④ 十届全国人大五次会议  ⑤ 千年古树  ⑥ 园林雕塑

A.①②③⑥      B.②③④       C.①③④⑤      D.②③⑥


3. Learning ability goals学能目标

Help the Ss learn how to write a description of a place and the plants or animals there with the target language.

Help the Ss learn how to make complaint with the target language.

Teaching important and difficult points教学重难点

Help the Ss to master the useful expressions and learn to use them to express blame and Complaint in certain situations.

Teaching methods教学方法

Discussing, guided writing and speaking. 

Teaching aids教具准备

A projector and a computer.

Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式

Step Ⅰ Revision

T: Good morning / afternoon everyone!

Ss: Good morning / afternoon, Sir / Madam!

T: Yesterday, I asked you to work in groups to check the meanings of the expressions given on Page 24 and talk about the times you had feeling like these. Have you done that? Now who would like to tell about a time you had these feelings?

Then ask some Ss to tell about the times they had feelings like these.

Possible descriptions:

Sa: I had a day of pure magic last summer. My parents took me for a tour in Benxi, Liaoning Province. When we went into a cavern, we saw icicle-shaped stalactites (钟乳石) grotesque in shape, hanging from the roof of the cavern. When the stalactites were lighted by the colorful lights, they looked extraordinary beauty. Then we took a boat floating on the river, it was very dark. Our boat hit the rock of the bank now and then, making my heart beating wildly. The exploring tour was the most fantastic thing I have ever done.

Sb: You really had a magic day! When I went to the Great Wall, I also had a fantastic feeling. You see, when I was climbing a narrow iron ladder straight up to a high watchtower, I felt scared to death and my heart was beating wildly. But when I reached the top of the watchtower and looked out over the mountains, every cell in my body woke up. My mood was extraordinary good and it was like discovering a whole new dimension of life.

Sc: The time I spent at Shengya-the World under the Sea, an aquarium in Dalian, may be compared with yours. When I got into the aquarium under the sea, I felt like discovering a whole new dimension of life. A variety of beautiful fish and many other ocean animals, which I couldn’t call their names, were swimming around and the colorful sea plants were waving softly following the current of the sea. Seeing such extraordinary beauty in the world, I felt every cell in my body woke up. That was really a day of pure magic.

StepⅡWriting (1)

T: In last period we read a dairy, in which the writer used very beautiful words and phrases to describe colours, patterns, shapes and behaviour of the animals. Now please write a paragraph to describe a place and the plants or animals there. You can read the third and the fourth paragraph of the dairy as model for your own writing. Five or six minutes later I’ll check your work.

The Ss will read the third and fourth paragraph before they start writing. When they are writing, the teacher should walk around to see if they have any problems to deal with. Five or six minutes later, show one or two copies on the screen and check them with the whole class.

Sample writing:

    When we came into the arboretum, our sight was attracted by all the vivid colours of varieties of flowers at once-reds, yellows, purples, white, blue, pinks, oranges and so on. I loved Lilies very much, which were shaped like horns. The white ones were the most sweet-smelling with large size; the pink ones were beautiful in both colour and sweet and the orange ones were vivid in colour with no sweet and small size. I loved Roses the best. They have all advantages in the large flower sizes, good-looking shapes, rich colours and sweet smell. A new type of Rose named Blue Yaoji was so charming that I just wanted to kiss the gem-blue flowers. The Butterfly Orchids were both rare and beautiful. They came from Taiwan Province with a long bloom time. They got the name Butterfly Orchids because of the flower shapes badly like butterflies. Most of them were purples and white. But I found a yellow kind, on which the flowers were a bit small like yellow jade. They were really beautiful. Seeing the extraordinary beauty, I felt every cell in my body woke up. It was like discovering a whole new dimension of life.

Step Ⅲ Speaking

Speaking and writing P27

T: In our daily life, we sometimes meet with something unpleasant and make complaint. So when you go to another country, you should learn to complain politely, then you may get a good solution. Look at the three situations on Page 27. Have you ever met these situations in your life? What did you say at that time? Or what will you say if you are in such situations? Think about it. ... Now read the expressions above the situations and see how they can help you to make complaint for each of the situation. Then work in pairs, choose one situation and make up a dialogue for it.

After a while, check their work by asking several pairs to act out their dialogues.

Possible dialogue 1:

Sa: You see, I missed my flight, official.

Sb: Don’t worry. You can take the next flight. We won’t charge more.

Sa: You won’t charge more? I mean I’d like a refund, please.

Sb: I’m sorry but we don’t have that term.

Sa: I missed my flight because you didn’t announced the delay of the flight over the loudspeaker. You delayed my tour and you bear responsibility for it.

Sb: Let’s try to find a better solution.

Possible dialogue 2:

Sa: Waiter!

Sb: Yes?

Sa: The fish I ordered tastes terrible. I’d like to talk to the manager.

Sb: I’m sorry. I’m the manager. I’ll ask them to change the fish for you at once.

Sa: That’s not good enough. Coming here to have a meal should be a pleasant thing, how can you offer me such bad food. I’m feeling very unsatisfied with your service.

Sb: I’m sorry. But how can we make you satisfied?

Sa: I’d like a good dish and a full refund.

Sb: I’m afraid we can’t do that. But we can send you another dish.

Possible dialogue 3:

Sa: Look at the trousers! They are too short for me.

Sb: I’m sorry. Let me have a look at them. Well, don’t worry, I can mend them for you.

Sa: That’s no good for me. I’m not feeling happy about a pair of mended trousers.

Sb: I have a good idea. I’ll add laces along the cuffs. They will look beautiful and fashionable.

Sa: But I’d still like a refund.

Sb: As I delayed your wearing, I agree to give you a quarter refund. Is it OK?

Sa: That’s OK.

Then ask the Ss to write down their dialogues on their exercise books.

Step Ⅳ Writing (2)


T: We have learned the story of Sedna. Can you retell the story? You may feel it difficult to retell such a long story. Don’t worry. Turn to Page 68. Look at the topic sentences of each paragraph, using them as a guide. Then you will find it easier to tell the story. Now work with your partner, take turns to tell the story.

Show the topic sentences on the screen. Ask a student to retell the story before the class. Then get the Ss to write down the story individually, using the topic sentences as a guide.

Sample writing:

    Sedna was a lovely and beautiful Inuit girl and she didn’t want to get married because she loved her father very much and didn’t want to leave her father alone. But her father told her that she must marry a man. So the next day Sedna agreed to marry a stranger, who promised her a good life. But when she followed the man to his place, she discovered that her husband was a bird! Sedna felt so unhappy that she cried every day, calling her father’s name. When her father heard the crying of his daughter, he decided to help her to escape. When the bird man found that his wife was not there, he was so angry that he caught up with the canoe, which Sedna and her father were paddling back, and caused a sea storm. Sedna’s father was so frightened of the bird man that he threw Sedna into the sea. As Sedna sank to the bottom of the ocean, she became a sea goddess. From then on, The Inuit believe that Sedna has power over the animals in the sea, so they show her great respect, especially after they catch sea animals.

T: Very good. Now read the questions in the table of Ex 4 to assess your own writing, revising and making corrections if necessary.

After they have finished writing, let them assess their own writings and their partners’ according to the table in Ex 4. This activity will help the Ss to find their problems and improve their writing ability. 

附  件


Oceanic seahorse

    Fragile and mystical, the oceanic seahorse (Hippocampus kuda) is probably what you see when you close your eyes and think of seahorses. While not the most exotic species of seahorse, it is a classic representation of a beautiful and fascinating fish. You’ll see many types of seahorses at Shedd. 

    Oceanic seahorses may be yellow, deep red, brown, or black and may be blotched or banded. They can reach about 7 inches in adulthood. The oceanic seahorse is also known as the common seahorse, but the sad truth is that all seahorses are becoming less and less common. And it’s precisely their ethereal, otherworldly charm that has gotten them into trouble.

    We’ve been enchanted by these creatures for millennia. From practitioners of ancient Chinese medicine to tourists in Florida, we’ve believed their magic gave us wondrous things - arthritis cures, love elixirs, even key chains.

    Now, because of that, they face a high risk of extinction in the wild. Seahorses cannot produce enough offspring to replace the huge numbers fished for medicines, pets and souvenirs. There are several reasons for this. First, they are monogamous, and if one of the pair is captured, it can take a long time for the remaining partner to mate again. Second, the striking ringed armor that protects seahorses from many predators does not develop until they’re adults so perhaps only two in a thousand juvenile seahorses reach adulthood.

Green Sea Turtle-Characteristics


Green Sea Turtles get their name from the color of their body fat, which is green from the algae or grasses they eat. The Hawaiian Green Sea Turtle population, is known by its Hawaiian name Honu


Green Sea Turtles are reptiles whose ancestors evolved on land and returned to the sea to live. The first turtles appeared during the Triassic period, 245 to 208 million years ago. Fossils for the earliest known sea turtles appear in the Late Jurassic period, 208 to 144 million years ago. Turtles are one of the few species that watched the dinosaurs evolve and become extinct.

As reptiles, sea turtles possess the following traits:

 * They are cold-blooded, meaning they get their

   body heat from the environment.

 * They breathe air.

 * Their skin is scale


Now, scientists recognize seven species of these marine reptiles. The recognized sea turtle species are as follows: Greens, Hawksbill, Kemp’s Ridley, Olive Ridley, Loggerhead, Flatback and Leatherback. The Loggerhead Sea Turtle is listed as threatened, the Flatback is listed as vulnerable, and all other species are listed as endangered. Green Sea Turtle populations of Hawaii are threatened and protected in Hawaii under state law. Populations of Green Sea Turtles off the coast of Florida and the Pacific coast of Mexico are listed as endangered. Green Sea Turtles are protected by the federal Endangered Species Act, and listed under the Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species (CITES). CITES makes it illegal to import or export turtle products.


In addition to their reptilian traits, all species of turtles except the Leatherback have evolved a bony outer shell, which protects them from predators. The Leatherback is the only soft-shelled sea turtle and is in a family by itself. The shell covers the dorsal (back) and ventral (belly) surfaces of a sea turtle. The dorsal portion of the shell is the carapace and is covered with scale-like structures called scutes, while the ventral portion of the shell is known as the plastron. Experts can identify species of sea turtles by the number and pattern of scutes on the carapace. The shell is considered the most highly developed protective armor of any vertebrate species. While most land turtles can retract their heads into their shells for added protection, sea turtles cannot and their heads remain out at all times.


Green Sea Turtles have green flesh. The carapace is olive brown to black, while the plastron is pale yellow to creamy white. The carapace is molted, variegated in color. Rarely will you find a Green Sea Turtle with a solid colored shell. Counter-shading of the shell conceals the turtle from predators, making it difficult to distinguish the dark carapace from the sea floor and the light plastron from the lighter sky.


Green Sea Turtles as hatchlings weigh about an ounce and have a carapace length of 2 inches. A sexually mature green sea turtle weighs 200-350 pounds with a carapace length of 2.5 feet. Adults grow to a carapace length of 3.5 feet and weigh an average of 400 pounds. One of the largest turtles that ever lived from the Late Cretaceaus period, 144 to 65 million years ago, reached a length of 9.8 -13 feet.


The lifespan of sea turtles is not known. It is believed that Green Sea Turtles reach sexual maturity around the age of 25 years and can live up to 80 years of age. The long period of maturation helps to explain why it takes turtles so many years to recover from a population decline.


Sea turtles are wonderfully adapted to life in the ocean. Their shells are lighter and more streamlined than land turtles. Front and rear limbs have evolved into flippers. These flippers make sea turtles efficient and graceful swimmers, capable of swimming long distances in a short time.       


2. Ability goals能力目标

Enable the Ss to describe a place and the plants or animals there with the target language.

Enable the Ss to make complaint using the expressions given.


1. Target language 目标语言

a. 重点词汇和短语

pure magic, extraordinary beauty, fantastic thing, scared to death

b. 功能句式

That’s not good enough.

I’m sorry but ...

I’m afraid ...

I’m feeling (annoyed with / unhappy about / unsatisfied with ...).

I’m not feeling (happy about / satisfied with ...).

I’d like to talk to the manager.

I’d like a full refund.

That’s no good for me.

I’d like a refund, please.

