0  322806  322814  322820  322824  322830  322832  322836  322842  322844  322850  322856  322860  322862  322866  322872  322874  322880  322884  322886  322890  322892  322896  322898  322900  322901  322902  322904  322905  322906  322908  322910  322914  322916  322920  322922  322926  322932  322934  322940  322944  322946  322950  322956  322962  322964  322970  322974  322976  322982  322986  322992  323000  447090 

8. Would you consider      your homework first before you go to the cinema?

A. finishing          B. to finish    C. being finished    D. finish

9 - Many of us in our company have a ____ opinion of him.

- But he is ____ spoken of by most of the leaders.

A. bad; highly          B. bad; high      C. badly; high           D. badly; highly

10 John is not here today. Who can _____ him in the game?

A  replace   B take the place   C instead of  D in spite of

11  As he was too young, he was not ___ the concert hall.

A  admitted into  B asked for    C taken along   D brought with

12 When I am in difficulty, I always ____him for help.

A turn out   B turn over   C turn to  D turn on

13 We all like the way _____ the writer gives his speech.

A  in which   B in that  C which   D why

14 The sign x ____ an unknown number.

A  stands for   B stands out   C stands up  D stands against

15 The 2012 Olympic Games ____ in London, England.

A is held   B are held  C has to be held  D will be held

16 The weather turned out to be fine, ___ was more than we could expect.

A that   B what   C which   D it

17 He ____ to come today, but he didn’t keep his ____.

A promise; promise  B promised;promised   C has promised; promise   D promised; promise

18 He told us the ___ news in a ___ voice.

A amazing; surprising   B amazed; surprised   C amazing; surprised   D amazed; surprised

19 They will do all they can ______ the game.

A to compete in   B compete in    C to compete   D in competing

20 _____ days he would go there and get himself completely relaxed.

A  Every a few   B Every few   C Every some  D Every other


7. The princess’s hat was really fancy, which     with gold and jewels.

A. decorated      B. decorates   C. was decorated       D. was decorating


第一节  单项选择(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)

从 A,B,C,D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

1. As ___ matter of fact , he has been out of ___ work for three months.

A the,/    B a; /    C the; the   D a ; the

2 The time the old man devotes _____ English at home is very important to him.

A to studying   B to study    C of being studied   D of studying

3 Whether people are rich or poor, they are all _____ before the law.

A common    B same   C equal   D similar

4 --- Would you mind telling me how long you ____ to John?

---Nearly two years.

A married   B have married   C got married   D have been married

5      no doubt that the Great Wall is one of the wonders of the world.

A. There   is   B. It     is   C. There has     D. It is with

6 In order to catch the movie, Mary finished her supper in      ten minutes.

A. less than        B. more than      C. less            D. more


34. 读甲、乙两幅区域图和有关材料,完成下列问题:(12分)


甲图:               ;乙图:               






33. 读下图,回答下列问题。(13分)




A       、B       、C       

(3)与其他商品粮基地相比,东北地区商品粮基地的突出特点是什么 ?(2分)



32. 以下是某城市略图及该市2005年各地区人口变动示意图(人口迁移差额率指人口迁入率与人口迁出率之差)、1995-2005年三大产业比重变化示意图。读图回答以下问题。(7分)


(1)根据图中信息推断图示河流流向  地区(东北/东南/西南)。

(2)如果该城市工业布局比较合理,BCDE四处建有钢铁、机械、纺织工业区和高新技术产业开发区,那么  处最有可能是纺织工业区。

(3)2005年ABCDE各城区中,人口不断减少的是  ,人口增加最快的是  ,人口总数基本不变的是  

(4)与1995年相比,该市2005年三大产业比重的变化趋势是(   )














A.科技水平迅速提高        B.高耗能产业快速发展

C.居民生活用能迅速减少      D.第三产业比重上升

第Ⅱ卷   (非选择题,共40分)




A.光照丰富,雨热同期        B.地形平坦广阔,地广人稀

C.农作物都有春小麦、玉米、甜菜   D.土壤肥沃,黑土广布


A.耕作与放牧的粗放       B.远离海洋,降水少,风蚀严重

C.水土流失严重,土壤肥力下降 D.毁林和开垦草原现象严重

