6.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是 ( )
①对这些人来说,仅靠道德上的自律或者单纯的宣传教育,并不一定 ,因此,
②只要防范措施得力,甲流完全可以得到有效控制,希望国民保持 ,不要过分紧张。
③人们把巴金视为“20世纪的良知符号”加以崇敬和怀念,正如人们赞美鲁迅 是中国文学的旗手, 是民族性格的标志。
A.生效 镇静 既/也 B.奏效 镇静 不仅/更
C.奏效 镇定 既/也 D.生效 镇定 不仅/更
5.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,恰当的一组是 ( )
①中药产业是我国的传统产业,但由于技术瓶颈的 ,我国中药产品在国际中药市场中所占份额仅为3%~5%。
②崇尚美,追求美,就是重视生活情趣,讲究生活质量,体现了一种现代的生活 和
③为切实抓好村干部的廉洁自律,目前,江北区纪委建立了15个行政村的村委会成员的 档案。
A.制约 理念 廉政 B.制约 理想 廉正
C.限制 理想 廉政 D.限制 理念 廉正
4.下列词语中没有错别字的一组是 ( )
A.讥诮 舶来品 连篇累椟 欲加之罪,何患无辞
B.竞标 渡假村 出奇制胜 蜗角虚名,蝇头微利
C.暮霭 候车室 良辰美景 高山仰止,景行行止
D.赈济 明信片 额手称庆 金玉其外,败絮其中
3.下列词语中有两个错别字的一组是 ( )
A.竞技 茅塞顿开 满腹经纶 事实胜于雄辩
B.肇事 脱疑而出 相濡以沫 是可忍殊不可忍
C.渲泄 首屈一指 汗流浃背 胁天子以令诸侯
D.雏形 固若金汤 戮力同心 桃李不言,下自成溪
2.下面加点的字读音全部正确的一项是 ( )
A.慰藉(jiè) 缄默(jiān) 卓尔不群(zhuó) 如橼巨笔(yuón)
B.遒劲(jìng) 蛊惑(gǔ) 自怨自艾(yì) 素昧平生(mèi)
C.缜密(shèn) 摒弃(bìng) 焚膏继晷(guī) 同仇敌忾(kài)
D.怆然(chuàng) 跻身(qī) 筚路蓝缕(bì) 岿然不动(kuī)
1.下列各组词语中加点字的读音,完全相同的一组是 ( )
A.煎熬 悭吝 信笺 歼击机 草菅人命
B.渎职 赎罪 案牍 小牛犊 穷兵黩武
C.对峙 窒息 挚友 滞纳金 栉风沐雨
D.媲美 裨益 辅弼 庇护权 刚愎自由
第一节 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
66.Please keep an eye on my _____________(行李) while I go to buy the ticket.
67.She wants to buy some _______________(地毯) to make the room comfortable.
68.He washed and _______________(剃须), then hurried out of the room.
69.Peter wants to become a __________(教练)in the future.
70.He looks hones, but __________ (事实上)he is not.
71.The students _______________(交换) gifts with each other while they were in Japan.
72.The temple was completely_____(毁坏) in the 1960s.
73.Every year many of the students in our school are admitted to some key __________(大学).
74.The professor knows __________(几门) foreign languages.
75.Among the subjects, she likes _______________(生物) best.
第二节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Boys and girls,
It gives us great pleasure to get together here with
our guest from Australia.First in all, allow me, on behalf 76.________
of all the students present here, express our 77.________
warmly welcome to our guest-Mr.Jackson. 78.________
Mr.Jackson, a headmaster of the Jackson High 79.________
School in Canberra.has much knowledge or experience. 80.________
His school takes in overseas students, some of them 81.________
are Chinese.To make his school better know, 82.________
he is here not only to introduce the school to us and 83.________
tell us anything about their system of education. 84.________
Now, may Mr.Jackson make a speech for us? 85.________
第三节 书面表达(满分30分)
时间:下周四 the last day of the exam week.
2.生词:研究性课程reaearch work;分数grade。
Dear Mark,
It’s pity that you can’t go over your lessons with us.
65.The underlined word "outcry" (in Paragraph 2) probably means .
A.protest B.protect C.scream D.alarm
第二卷(非选择题 共55分)
64.What do proponents (supporters) of animal rights do to convince people of their opinion?
A.They treat their own pets kindly.
B.They explode bombs at laboratories that conduct scientific tests.
C.They give examples of animals that were mistreated in labs.
D.They point out the diseases that have been cured by scientists.
63.Animal experiments will probably continue because .
A.there are enough regulations to protest animals from abuse
B.they are critical for understanding and curing human disease
C.the groups that oppose them aren't very big or powerful
D.scientists insist they are harmless
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