0  324694  324702  324708  324712  324718  324720  324724  324730  324732  324738  324744  324748  324750  324754  324760  324762  324768  324772  324774  324778  324780  324784  324786  324788  324789  324790  324792  324793  324794  324796  324798  324802  324804  324808  324810  324814  324820  324822  324828  324832  324834  324838  324844  324850  324852  324858  324862  324864  324870  324874  324880  324888  447090 

33. - Look at these black clouds. It _______ soon.

   -Sure. If only we ________ out.                    

  A .is raining; didn’t come          B. is to rain; won’t start. 

C. will rain; haven’t started         D. is going to rain; hadn’t come


32. The speech which he made ______ the project bothered me greatly.

A. being concerned   B. be concerned   C. concerned   D. concerning 


31. - Which hotel are you in?

   - I    in a hotel. A friend I met on the train from the south    to put me up for a couple of nights.

  A. haven’t stayed, has offered            B. am not staying, offered   

  C. am not staying, is offering            D. do not stay; offers


30. After two years' research, we now have a ____ better understanding of bird flu.

    A.very           B.fairly          C.far            D.quite    


29. He has behaved in the most extraordinary way recently; I wonder what can ____ his actions.

    A.answer for      B.wish for        C.ask for         D.account for


28. -Excuse me.Can you spare me a few minutes? 

- ______.

    A.What’s on?     B.What’s up?      C.What’s more?     D.What is it? 


27.____  in the school regulation that students shouldn’t use cell phones in the campus.  

    A.What requires                  B.What is required   

C.It is required                   D.It requires           


26. - Has Mr. Tom White arrived?

   - Yes, already.     he wait outside or just come in?          

    A.Shall          B.May           C.Could         D.Must


25. When she came in, she found a stranger ______ at the back of the classroom with his eyes ______ upon her.

    A.sitting; fixing     B.sat; fixing     C.seating; fixed  D.seated; fixed 


24. I have $50, but that isn’t ______ enough for my journey fare.

    A.nearly         B. almost        C.hardly          D.mostly  

