0  324925  324933  324939  324943  324949  324951  324955  324961  324963  324969  324975  324979  324981  324985  324991  324993  324999  325003  325005  325009  325011  325015  325017  325019  325020  325021  325023  325024  325025  325027  325029  325033  325035  325039  325041  325045  325051  325053  325059  325063  325065  325069  325075  325081  325083  325089  325093  325095  325101  325105  325111  325119  447090 

31. On March 14, 2008 , violent crimes of  beating, looting and burning in Lhasa of Tibet broke out, _____13 innocent people and with more than 300_____.

A. killed; injured        B. killing; injured

C. killed; injuring       D. killing; injuring


30.______will Mr. Smith be able to regain control of the company.

A. Only with hard work     B. With hard work

C. In spite of his hard work    D. Only if he works hardly


29. The father, along with his two sons, ______from the big fire by the firefighters.

A. have rescued         B. have been rescued 

C. has rescued          D. has been rescued


28._____, I think, and the problem could be settled.

A. So long as you keep up you spirits.   B.A bit more effort.

C. If you doubt your efforts.       D. Making great efforts.


27. You _____her the news, for she knew it already.

A. mustn’t have told  B. can’t have told   C. mightn’t have told  D. needn’t have told


26.____Are you satisfied with what he has done?

  ____ Not  in  the least. It couldn’t have been ______.

A. so bad    B. better     C. worse      D. the  worst


25. After a long journey, my legs ______under me  and I couldn’t walk any farther.

A. gave up    B. gave out    C. gave in      D. gave away


24.The fact that people are afraid to go out at night is often a result of perceived( 感 知 )danger _____actual danger.

A. other than   B. more than    C. rather than     D. better than


23. The naughty boy! He ____where he leaves his thing.

A.   always forgets         B. will always forget 

C. is always forgetting        D. has always forgotten


22.--You are always full of ____. Can you tell me the secret?

  --Taking plenty of exercise every day.

A. power     B. strength    C. force       D. energy

