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第一节  短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)






Friday, August 7,2009           Fine

I find it hard take a real vacation. I can’t avoid doing           76.

something important coming with the business when travelled. I   77.

am on vacation with my family now and I am constantly reading  78.

email, checking voice mail and talking to my secretary at        79.

her summer home. The style of vacation is a waste of time.      80.

If I am sucked into so many daily information about the business,  81.

I can’t enjoy the vacation with them. Selfishly, I’d like to be say   82.

that the vacation is about me, because I worked really hard for    83.

them. But the vacation is also about the other person in my family  84.

So I must put all my work away complete to share it with them.   85.


35.When it comes    ourselves at the weekend, he would talk about his fishing experiences in the countryside.

A.relaxing        B.to relax         C.to relaxing      D.being relaxed


34.Those brave rescuer team members managed to save many people’ lives    the risk of their own lives.

A.at            B.for            C.above          D.under


33.It’s thought that it is a proper place for a new university    it is far from the downtown of the city.

A.in case that      B.now that        C.so that         D.in that

