0  325517  325525  325531  325535  325541  325543  325547  325553  325555  325561  325567  325571  325573  325577  325583  325585  325591  325595  325597  325601  325603  325607  325609  325611  325612  325613  325615  325616  325617  325619  325621  325625  325627  325631  325633  325637  325643  325645  325651  325655  325657  325661  325667  325673  325675  325681  325685  325687  325693  325697  325703  325711  447090 

2.下列各组词语中,没有错别字的一组是(   )

A、弹劾      梦寐已求     脚踝      貌合神离

B、缥渺      好高骛远     重叠      闻过饰非

C、冒然      飞短流长     噩梦      乔妆打扮

D、通牒      至高无上     坐落      轻歌曼舞


1.下列词语中加点的字,每对读音都不相同的一组是(   )

A、对 \ 正  逐 \ 勾心斗  加 \ 差不齐

B、磋 \ 实  宝 \ 卧虎龙  刻 \ 日西山

C、窥 \ 候  休 \ 不思索  招 \ 不应求

D、动 \ 音  丈 \ 体裁衣  止 \ 忍俊不



注意:1.信的开头与落款已给出,不计入总词数。2.参考词汇:伪劣食品fake food;卫生hygiene

Dear editor,

I’m writing to tell you about a food poisoning incident. Several days ago,           







Yours truly,

Wang ping





Last Sunday we went to see a AIDS patient in hospital. We bought her some flower and fruit. She was glad to see us. Many people began to avoid see her after she was infected to HIV virus. A doctor told us that the HIV virus mustn’t be infected through daily communication and that those who suffering from AIDS shouldn’t be looked down. We had a talk with the woman and gave her some CDs as gifts. She was moved to tears and promise to be optimistic and confident in overcoming the disease. We promised to see her again before left. In my opinion, the world will become more beautiful if all of us love each other and help those in the trouble.

第五节  写作(满分25分)



75. Suppose that passage doesn't finish, which of the following may be discussed next?

    A. The variety of Latin music in America.

    B. The economic development in Hispanic area.

    C. The historic development of regional Mexican music.

    D. The driving forces of regional Mexican music.

第四节:短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)





注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


74. According to the third paragraph, which shows the right relations among the following things?

  ①economic development

  ②more Latin workers

  ③shops' stock of Latin music

  ④local radio station

  ⑤small TV station

  ⑥the development of Latin music


73. The underlined word "skyrocketing" in the first paragraph means

  A. changing very quickly     B. disappearing slowly

  C. recovering slowly       D. increasing very quickly


72. The passage mainly tells readers _____________.

  A. that more and more Americans like Latin music

  B. what makes Latin music develop fast in American market

  C. why Latin music becomes Americans' favorite music

  D. that Latin music is bringing in more benefits for Americans


71. The best title for this text is_________.

A. Guidelines for Authors

B. Better Write in Informal Language

C. Better Not Use Formal or Technical Language

D. The More Photos, the Better


Forget Miami, Los Angeles and New York. The next big Latin music explosion is on its way in secondary markets across the United States, and the numbers are there to back it up. Among all genres(种类),Latin music was the only one registering growth in 2005. From tiny Vero Beach in northern Florida to Des Moines, Iowa, in the heart of the Midwest, from Charlotte, N. C. to Salt Lake City, Latin music sales are skyrocketing.

Wilson says there are two major reasons for the increase. One is simply the Hispanic(说西班牙语国家的) population's increase in specific areas, which encourages stores to carry Latin product for the first time. Second, and perhaps more important, is the fact that major companies-whether dealing in music or not-are addressing the Latin consumer at a corporate (公司的) level, creating Latin departments and hiring Latin ad agencies. One of Handleman's suburban Detroit stores, for example, has expanded its Latin section four times in the last two years. Cities like Milwaukee and Des Moines are now stocking Latin product.

   Besides, it also results from economic development. It goes something like this: More often than not, a city or country with a seeming important Hispanic population will suddenly expand its construction or offer affordable housing to those working in larger, neighboring cities. This attracts lower-income workers, many of whom are Latin. Small shops and groceries begin to stock a small selection of music. When the Latin population numbers reach a critical mass, the local mass merchant, if there is one, begins stocking the product. Sooner or later, a local radio station follows; first AM, then FM. Sometimes it's a cable TV show or a small TV station.

   Of course, there are other driving forces that should not be forgotten, for example, regional Mexican music.


70. According to the text, which of the following manuscripts is the most likely to be accepted?

A. The one whose idea is the most advanced in the world, and is strictly and formally written.

B. The one that is the most lively and vivid and written in an authoritative way.

C. The one whose method is improved and written in plain English.

D. The one whose theory is practical and written in technical language.

