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28.Mrs.Obama once said, "People have different ______; they won't always like what you wear."

    A.tastes         B.feelings        C.ideas          D.senses


27.-_____up late never did any good to my quizzes.

    -So, you've tried at least.

    A.Stay          B.Stayed        C.Staying        D.Being stayed


26.China's population is expected to increase to be about 1.5 billion in 2040,______it will start to decline slowly.

    A.since when     B.before that     C.on which       D.after which


25.The failure to find a satisfactory job after graduation pushed Liu Qian to ______magic as a career.

    A.make up       B.put up         C.set up         D.take up


24.-Excuse me, is this seat vacant?

    -Yes, it's________.

    A.convenient     B.available       C.possible       D.optional


23.-I haven't finished my homework yet.

    -Speed up! We'll ______you another twenty minutes.

    A.allow          B.spare         C.leave          D.add


22.________ the Internet is of great help, I don't think it is a good idea to spend too much time on it.

    A.If             B.While         C.Because       D.As




21.This book tells ______ life story of John Smith, who left ______school and worked for a news-paper at the age of 16.

    A.the; the        B.a; the         C.the;不填       D.a;不填

