0  327142  327150  327156  327160  327166  327168  327172  327178  327180  327186  327192  327196  327198  327202  327208  327210  327216  327220  327222  327226  327228  327232  327234  327236  327237  327238  327240  327241  327242  327244  327246  327250  327252  327256  327258  327262  327268  327270  327276  327280  327282  327286  327292  327298  327300  327306  327310  327312  327318  327322  327328  327336  447090 

25. ―Look! What a mistake! Why?

―Sorry, I _________ on it.

  A. don’t concentrate             B. hadn’t concentrated

  C. haven’t been concentrating          D. wasn’t concentrating


24. My father didn’t have to say anything. I knew he was upset from his ________.

A. look           B. sight             C. appearance        D. sign


23. Cao Cao’s tomb is reported ________ in China, which attracts nationwide attention.

A. being found                       B. to be found       

C. having been found                   D. to have been found


22. The chairman will be pleased at ________ scene that everything is in ________ place.

A. a; a           B. the; the           C. the; 不填         D. 不填; the


第一节   单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)



21. ―Karen, can I talk to you for a minute?

―Sure, ________?

A. how come      B. what’s up         C. how’s that         D. what for

