0  327313  327321  327327  327331  327337  327339  327343  327349  327351  327357  327363  327367  327369  327373  327379  327381  327387  327391  327393  327397  327399  327403  327405  327407  327408  327409  327411  327412  327413  327415  327417  327421  327423  327427  327429  327433  327439  327441  327447  327451  327453  327457  327463  327469  327471  327477  327481  327483  327489  327493  327499  327507  447090 

31. I would rather buy a house in the countryside than     in the city. A. it             B. one              C. this              D. that


30. Many of the creatures in the movie “Avatar” are not real, but much of __________ happens is attractive.

  A. which         B. that              C. what             D. them


29. -It’s hard to believe that Jack ________ have fought with the policeman.

  -Yes. If one ________ ask for trouble, it can’t be helped.

A. would; will      B. must; may       C. should; must      D. need; dare


28. If our car had not ________, we would have been here on time.

A. broken out      B. broken into         C. broken away       D. broken down


27. This new kind of chemicals will help keep the air, soil and water________ from pollution.

  A. free           B. empty        C. loose           D. short


26. Barack Obama has taken personal blame ________ the security failures which led ________ the attempt to blow up a plane on Christmas Day.

A. of; to         B. for; to            C. on; on            D. in; on


25. ―Look! What a mistake! Why?

―Sorry, I _________ on it.

  A. don’t concentrate             B. hadn’t concentrated

  C. haven’t been concentrating          D. wasn’t concentrating


24. My father didn’t have to say anything. I knew he was upset from his ________.

A. look           B. sight             C. appearance        D. sign


23. Cao Cao’s tomb is reported ________ in China, which attracts nationwide attention.

A. being found                       B. to be found       

C. having been found                   D. to have been found


22. The chairman will be pleased at ________ scene that everything is in ________ place.

A. a; a           B. the; the           C. the; 不填         D. 不填; the

