0  327607  327615  327621  327625  327631  327633  327637  327643  327645  327651  327657  327661  327663  327667  327673  327675  327681  327685  327687  327691  327693  327697  327699  327701  327702  327703  327705  327706  327707  327709  327711  327715  327717  327721  327723  327727  327733  327735  327741  327745  327747  327751  327757  327763  327765  327771  327775  327777  327783  327787  327793  327801  447090 

31.When it     education, the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime study.

    A.deals with      B.gets on        C.comes to       D.talks about


30.A large number of injured Haitians stood in line waiting     by the Chinese doctors.

    A.treating        B.being treated   C.to treat        D.to be treated


29.Unemployment in the United States is likely to remain high in 2010, and    for the next few years.

    A.possibly       B.necessarily     C.gradually      D.normally


28.In China,      car is becoming     popular means of transportation.

    A.a; the         B.a;不填         C.不填;a       D.the; a


27.Since the start of opening up and reform, a diverse society    shape in China.

    A.is taken        B.has been taking C.has been taken D.is taking


26.Ten giant pandas are heading to the Shanghai Expo,      they will go on year – long display.

    A.which         B.where         C.what          D.when


25.They shouldn’t be responsible for the accident. They carried out the order      .

    A.as being told    B.as told        C.as telling       D.as they told


24.     for breaking my promise, I hung my head in shame.

    A.Blamed        B.To be blamed   C.Blaming       D.To blame


23.In China, the peach, as a symbol of long life,      an ideal birthday present.

    A.presents       B.works         C.makes         D.gives


22.The Chinese mainland and Taiwan will add     88 cross Strait flights during the upcoming Spring Festival holidays.

    A.the other       B.other          C.more          D.another

