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31.-Can you tell me what time the flight to Detroit leaves?

    -I'm sorry, but it ______.

    A.has been canceled             B.had been canceled

    C.has canceled               D.had canceled


30.Napoleon would have taken over the world if he ______ the Battle of Waterloo.

    A.wins          B.won           C.had won       D.has won


29.-How did he break his head while swimming?

    -______ my warnings, he dived straight into the shallow water.

    A.To ignore       B.Ignored        C.Ignoring        D.Being ignored


28.You ______ very fast if you went from New York to Boston in six hours.

    A.should drive                     B.would have driven

    C.may drive                     D.must have driven


27.-Do you know when Phil's coming?

    -He ______ 4: 00.

    A.says           B.has said        C.had said        D.said


26.Even if there is no scientific proof yet ______ secondhand smoke causes cancer, there is no reason why nonsmokers should be forced to take this risk.

    A.which         B.that           C.when          D.where


25.With so little time ______ on math, it is all too easy for children to ignore practicing mathematics, which is a kind of language.

    A.spent          B.being spent      C.to spend        D.was spent


24.One recent prediction is that within the next 50 years, it ______ possible to link the human brain directly with a computer.

    A.is             B.will be         C.would be       D.was


23.-I have ______ high temperature and ______ sore throat.

    -Well, you may have the flu.

    A.a; a           B.the; the         C.the; a          D.a; the


22.The site is fairly near the city center, ______ it can only be reached by a series of narrow streets.

    A.and           B.but            C.or            D.so

