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   Do you hate exams? If you do, you aren’t __36__. Students in many other countries. hate them, too.

   ___37__ for them, British students have less exam than Chinese students. They only have them once year. Every summer they have a test on each __38___. Each test__39__about an hour.

   These exam don’t count much. Even if a student does really__40__he still can progress to the next grade.

   When the __41__come out they are then placed in an end-of –year report. The report is sent to the student’s parents. It describes__42__the student performed and behaved through the year.

   This report is private ,so __43__the teacher, the student and his parents see it. This means that a student doesn’t know how other students scored in the text. Some students choose to tell each other, but others __44_ .

   Parents’ meeting are held__45__a year, at the end of the winter term and then at the end of the summer term. Children along with their parents to meet their teachers privates and discuss their performance at school.

36.(   )A. lonely   B. silent   C. alone     D. quietly

37.(   )A. Luckily  B. Luck   C. Luckly    D. Unluck

38.(   )A. lesson   B. lessons  C. subjects    D. subject

39.(   )A. lasts   B. spends   C. pays     D. shows

40.(   )A. well   B. bad    C. badly     D. fast

41.(   )A. pictures  B. results   C. textbooks   D. information

42.(   )A. how   B. when   C. why     D. whether

43.(   )A. all    B. any   C. only     D. none

44.(   )A. tell their parents   B. tell their teacher 

C. tell their friends    D. tell nobody

45.(   )A. once   B. twice   C. three times  D. four times


34.(  ) The first thing ______ we should do is to tell him the mews.

       A. who    B. which    C. that      D. whom

(  )35 They really don’t know ______ tomorrow afternoon.

       A. where they will go  B. where to go

       C. where will they go  D. where to go to


33.(  ) Do you remember_____ yesterday?

      A. what is your mother saying  B. what your mother said

      C. what did your mother say   D. what your mother says


32.(  ) Yuan Longping, a great person in China, _____as “father of hybrid rice”

      A. is regarded  B. has regarded  C. is regarding   D. regards


31.(  ) ______ the work is difficult, all the workers are keeping on working .

       A. But    B. Although  C. And    D. So


30.(  ) Tom often makes his brother____ but yesterday he was made____ by his brother.

     A. cry; to cry  B. to cry; cry  C. cry; cry  D. to cry; to cry


29.(  ) ---May we go home mow ?

     --- No, you____. You____ to go home until 5 o’clock.

      A. mustn’t; are allowed   B. don’t have to; are supposed

      C. needn’t; aren’t allowed  D. can’t; aren't supposed

