0  328576  328584  328590  328594  328600  328602  328606  328612  328614  328620  328626  328630  328632  328636  328642  328644  328650  328654  328656  328660  328662  328666  328668  328670  328671  328672  328674  328675  328676  328678  328680  328684  328686  328690  328692  328696  328702  328704  328710  328714  328716  328720  328726  328732  328734  328740  328744  328746  328752  328756  328762  328770  447090 

33.I was about to go out      the telephone rang.

    A.when          B.while          C.before         D.after


32.The manager required that the workers     their work on time.

    A.finished        B.finish          C.to finish        D.finishing


31.-Gorge and Lucy got married last week. Did you go to their wedding?

    -No, I     . Did they have a big wedding?

    A.was not invited                  B.have not been invited

    C.hadn’t been invited              D.didn’t invite


30.The accident resulted      the death of two passengers.

    A.from          B.out           C.in            D.on


29.Representativcs of 192 countries held talks in Copenhagen on Dec. 8th , 2009, with the aim of

           the issues of greenhouse gas emisslons(排放)

    A.making promises of              B.making compromises on

    C.making commitments to           D.making contribution to


28.-Have you seen the movie “2012”? It’s quite thrilling.

    -No, I     to buy a ticket, but it      cats and dogs.

    A.have intended, was raining        B.intended, had rained

    C.have intended, rained            D.had intended, was raining


27.I always have so many things to      when I come into the office after a trip abroad.

    A.add to                        B.contribute to

    C.attend to                      D.devote to


26.His disguise(伪装)was so good that I had no       of his real identity.

    A.wonder        B.suspicion      C.hesitation      D.thought


25.There are a lot of students in the reading room, most of     with their eyes     on and their heads bent over their books.

    A.whom; fixing    B.them; fixed     C.whom; fixed     D.them; fixing


24.The climate in the northeast      the old couple. So they’ll move to the south, where the warm sunshine and fresh air can keep them     .

    A.doesn’t agree with; alive          B.isn’t suited; alive

    C.doesn’t suit; fit                  D.doesn’t fit for; fit

