0  329121  329129  329135  329139  329145  329147  329151  329157  329159  329165  329171  329175  329177  329181  329187  329189  329195  329199  329201  329205  329207  329211  329213  329215  329216  329217  329219  329220  329221  329223  329225  329229  329231  329235  329237  329241  329247  329249  329255  329259  329261  329265  329271  329277  329279  329285  329289  329291  329297  329301  329307  329315  447090 

30.I admired the painting, and Ted said he would like me to have   as a gift from him.

    A.some          B.this           C.one           D.it


29.Miss Li      as a secretary for five years in the company, and now she is general manager of it.

    A.has served                     B.served         C.had served   D.serves


28.The National Day Parade for the 60th anniversary of the founding of China is so grand that it certainly doesn't _____ the whole nation.

    A.let down    B.calm down      C.break down     D.set down 


27.The president was on a tight ______ so he didn’t visit the Forbiddern City entirely.

    A.budget     B.program        C.schedule       D.deadline


26.-Mum, where is my lunch pack?

    -Just _____ it was.     

    A.as            B.how        C.what          D.where


25.-How much did the guy _____ you to fix your 3G mobile phone?

     - Idon't remember, but it was quite a lot.

    A.cost           B.spend          C.charge         D.take


24.My father insisted that every minute   made full use of     the work well.

    A.be, to do                       B.has been, doing 

    C.be, doing                    D.has been, to do


23.Do come here on Monday,______ we, as planned, will take part in the gathering of AIDS prevention volunteers.

    A.then           B.and           C.therefore       D.or


22.It's said that within five years cars will be a lot    in our country.

    A.cheaper        B.cheapest       C.cheap         D.more cheap




例:Mr. Smith owns   collection of coins than anyone else I have ever met.

    A.larger          B.a larger         C.the larger       D.a large


21.The driver was at ______ loss when    word came that he was forbidden to drive after drinking alcohol.

    A.a; the          B.不填; 不填    C.the; the        D.a; 不填

