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35._____ in the queue for half an hour, Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home.

A. To wait      B. Have waited    C. Having waited   D. To have waited


34. The library needs _____,but it’ll have to wait until Friday.

A. cleaning      B. to clean      C. being cleaned   D. to being cleaned


33.--- Catherine, I have cleaned the room for you.

---Thanks. You _______ it. I could manage it myself.

A. needn’t do     B. shouldn’t  have done   C. mustn’t do    D. needn’t have done


32. It didn’t take the children long to________ the correct answer.

A. carry out          B. figure out            C. turn out            D. give out


31.___­­__ herself to science, the great scientist took little notice _____ the honors given to her.

A. Devoted, of     B. Devoting, of    C. Devoted, about   D. Devoting, about


30. The old couple, ____had been admitted to university, were living a hard life.

A. both their children               B. both of whom children

C. both of whose children             D. whose their children


29.---Has Peter handed in his paper yet?

---I’m not sure. He _______ on it last week.

A. was working      B. has worked      C. worked       D. had worked

