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When Susan got up this morning, it was a beautiful spring day. She saw _36_ clouds far away, but she didn't think about them. She _37_ her dog, Spot, and put him in the car. Then she drove out into the country for a picnic with her dog.

An hour later, the wind began to blow and it turned_38_. Susan and Spot were warm from running, so they weren't cold. Then when Spot was playing with the ball, Susan saw snow-flakes (雪花)in the sky. She called to Spot, _39_ the picnic things and got back in the car. As she was driving home, the snow became _40_. Soon all Susan could see was white all around her. The road became slippery(滑)and she had to drive very _41_. Then, the car hit ice and it went around in circles. It went clown a hill and finally stopped.

Susan reached over for Spot. He was shaking(发抖), _42_ he was OK. She got her mobile phone and _43_ help. At last, the police _44_ them. Next time Susan will _45_ the weather report before going on a picnic.

36.A. a little    B. a few          C. little    D. few

37.A. sends    B. gets           C. sent        D. got

38.A. warm     B. hot            C. cold        D. foggy

39.A. picked up    B. pick up           C. picked       D. pick

40.A. bigger and bigger            B. thinner and thinner

C. smaller and smaller           D. heavier and heavier

41.A. slowly       B. easily         C. carelessly        D. happily

42.A. and        B. or        C. but          D. so

43.A. sent for       B. asked for       C. looked for   D. answered for

44.A. saved         B. save          C. are saved        D. were saved

45.A. hear from      B. listen         C. listen to    D. hear


35. –Can I get you a cup of tea? ---______________

    A. Thank you for the tea    B. With pleasure

   C. You can, please      D. That’s very nice of you


34. ---Which book can I take? ---You can take ____ book you like.

    A. both   B. any   C. no   D. all


33. Daniel is my friend. I like sharing my _________ with him when I am happy.

  A. joy   B. happy   C. sad   D. secrets


32. We can’t win the match ________your support.

  A. without  B. with   C. under   D. for


31. Of the two American students , Lily is _____________ one.

  A. tallest   B. the taller   C. taller   D. the tallest


30. Do you know how many people ______ the big fire last week?

   A. lived  B. survived   C. stayed    D. continued

