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30.He broke    a piece of chocolate and gave it to me before he broke the rest  into pieces.

    A.up; down     B.off; up        C.down; up     D.through; down


29.---What is the newcomer like?

   ---His manner is     to offend everyone he has met.

    A.so as          B.such as       C.in order       D.as


28.     that the government can lead us out of the financial crisis, we are optimistic    

the future of our country.

    A.Convinced; about                             B.Convincing; about

    C.Convinced; of                 D.Convincing; of


27.---Alice, what’s wrong with you? You look so worn out.

   ---Nothing serious. I     my new house all day and I’m afraid I won’t finish until tomorrow afternoon.

    A.have whitewashed             B.am whitewashing

    C.have been whitewashing       D.shall be whitewashing


26.---Do you feel like walking to the cinema or    we take a bus?

   ---I’d like to walk. But since there isn’t much time left, I’d rather we    a taxi.

    A.will; take      B.shall; take     C.will; took      D.shall; took


25.---How many employees are there in the company?

   ---We have     500 people working there.

    A.near          B.more         C.something like D.or so


24.---I told you she was not serious about him and now she has dumped him.

   ---Poor boy! It will take him a long time to get over this    .

    A.beat         B.strike          C.blow         D.knock


23.    of the household garbage     recycled or reused since the new technology was applied.

    A.Three-fourth; has                               B.Three-fourths; have

    C.Three-fourths; has been         D.Three-fourth; have been


22.---I don’t believe     . He’s blaming the failed program on me.

   ---What      options does he have? He can’t say it is his fault.

    A.him; another   B.this; another   C.that; other    D.it; other




21.People born under the Chinese sign of the Tiger are attracted to    fast cars and have    

strong need for     emotional independence.

    A.the; a; X      B.X; a; the       C.X; the; the     D.X; a; X

