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Each year, thousands of Chinese middle school students go to study in foreign countries such as the US, the UK, Australia and Japan.

   “Chinese children hope very much to go  46   to get a wider view (视野) of the world,” said Chen Yi, a Chinese writer who has lived in America for 16 years. In a talk Chen told more than 300 parents and their children that life in foreign countries can be  47   for young people. “ They have to meet a culture shock (冲突) and language problems. ”

   However, these are not the most difficult things. To most children, looking after themselves when studying alone in a foreign country is a big  48  .

   Zhang Jia, a 16-year-old student began to study in a high school in Sydney, Australia last October. To his surprise, his teachers there  49  pushed students to study. And  50   there wasn’t homework. “ With these education systems (体制), we have more  51   time and more space for thinking,” said Zhang. “ But if you don’t know how to  52  your time and money, you will not have an easy time. ” Some of his friends spent their whole year’s money in the first two months of the term, and they didn’t pass their exams.

   “Studying abroad at a young age can help students learn foreign language  53   and broaden(拓宽) their minds, but students and parents should know about the challenges,” Chen said.“  54   you want to study abroad, try to talk to someone with  55   in foreign countries. Make sure that you are ready for it. ”

(  )46. A. foreign       B. abroad      C. home      D. school

(  )47. A. sad        B. happy      C. easy      D. hard

(  )48. A. difficulty     B. challenge     C. difference    D. change

(  )49. A. ever       B. hardly      C. almost     D. hard

(  )50. A. usually      B. yet       C. just       D. never

(  )51. A. busy       B. safe       C. boring      D. free

(  )52. A. have       B. plan       C. use       D. take

(  )53. A. happily      B. quickly     C. carefully     D. exactly

(  )54. A. Though      B. Whether     C. Unless     D. If

(  )55. A. confidence     B. knowledge    C. information   D. experience


45. He asked me______ that was the museum ______ we visited last month.

     A. if…which   B.whether…where   C. that…which   D. what…where


44.---You haven’t been to the capital , have you?

      ---________. I’ll go there next week. It will be the first time for me.

A.Yes, I have.  B.Yes, I haven’t.   C.No, I have.   D.No, I haven’t.


43.---Who is that girl reading in the garden? Is it Maria?

   --- It _____ be Maria. I saw her ______ on the playground a moment ago.

    A. mustn’t ; run         B. shouldn’t ; to run

    C. may ; ran           D. can’t ; running[


42. By the time the police came, the aliens __________ for a few minutes.

      A. had left                  B. has left

C. had been away              D. has been away


40. I don’t know _____ I should _____ with my broken computer.

A. how, do     B. what, do   C. how, to deal    D. which, deal

(  )41 ---What would you like to drink, coffee or orange juice?

---     . Please give me a cup of tea.

A. Neither        B. Both          C. All        D. None


39.--- I like to read newspaper when I want to relax myself.

     ---Oh, I prefer    TV or listen to music rather than     newspapers.

      A. watching, read         B. watching, to read 

C. to watch, read         D. to watch, reading


38.--- Do you know whether Mary will go there?

     ---I’m not sure. She says she will stay at home unless she    to the party.

A. is inviting    B. invites     C. was invited    D. is invited


37.He found _____ very difficult _____ the maths problem. 

A. that; to solve   B. this; solving   C. it; to solve   D.it, solving

