0  330607  330615  330621  330625  330631  330633  330637  330643  330645  330651  330657  330661  330663  330667  330673  330675  330681  330685  330687  330691  330693  330697  330699  330701  330702  330703  330705  330706  330707  330709  330711  330715  330717  330721  330723  330727  330733  330735  330741  330745  330747  330751  330757  330763  330765  330771  330775  330777  330783  330787  330793  330801  447090 

35.-Please sit down and have a break. You have been working on this machine nonstop for two hours.

    -No, thanks.        .

    A.I’m not in the least tired     B.I’m too tired to move

    C.I’m not a little tired         D.I’m a bit tired


34.The Dragon Tower, from    top visitors can enjoy a good    of Harbin , attracts hundreds of tourists every day.

A.which; sight              B.whose ; view

    C.its; view                D.where; sight


33.   And we’ll finish the work ahead of time.

    A.An hour earlier            B.If we start an hour earlier

    C.Starting an hour earlier      D.Started an hour earlier


32.I didn’t like the soap opera at first, but when I stared watching one, I immediately became   


    A.accustomed to            B.addicted to

    C.opposed to               D.allergic to


31.How the loans are paid should be of little concern to the bank     they are paid on time .

    A.as well as                B.as soon as

    C.as long as               D.as far as


30.Ballet is not popular    our city because most people think it is too expensive to take the classes.

    A.in                     B.with

    C.among                  D.on


29.-    you read the newspaper?

    -Yes. I     it on the bus while I was on my way to work.

    A.Have ; read              B.Did; read

    C.Have; have read           D.Did; have read


28.The musical “Butterfly”     next week is a love story.

    A.produced                B.being produced

    C.to be produced            D.having been produced


27.I was sleepy. I decided to make myself some    coffee so I could work   .

    A.weak; better              B.strong; well

    C.strong; better             D.weak; well

