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34.The Dragon Tower, from    top visitors can enjoy a good    of Harbin , attracts hundreds of tourists every day.

A.which; sight              B.whose ; view

    C.its; view                D.where; sight


33.   And we’ll finish the work ahead of time.

    A.An hour earlier            B.If we start an hour earlier

    C.Starting an hour earlier      D.Started an hour earlier


32.I didn’t like the soap opera at first, but when I stared watching one, I immediately became   


    A.accustomed to            B.addicted to

    C.opposed to               D.allergic to


31.How the loans are paid should be of little concern to the bank     they are paid on time .

    A.as well as                B.as soon as

    C.as long as               D.as far as


30.Ballet is not popular    our city because most people think it is too expensive to take the classes.

    A.in                     B.with

    C.among                  D.on


29.-    you read the newspaper?

    -Yes. I     it on the bus while I was on my way to work.

    A.Have ; read              B.Did; read

    C.Have; have read           D.Did; have read


28.The musical “Butterfly”     next week is a love story.

    A.produced                B.being produced

    C.to be produced            D.having been produced


27.I was sleepy. I decided to make myself some    coffee so I could work   .

    A.weak; better              B.strong; well

    C.strong; better             D.weak; well


26.     Matters much     the headmaster supports our activity.

    A.It; whether               B.What; whether

    C.As; that                 D.That; if


25.-I’m sure Mary will pass the driving test.

    -I think so. She     for it for months.

    A.is preparing              B.was preparing

    C.has been preparing         D.had prepared

