0  336971  336979  336985  336989  336995  336997  337001  337007  337009  337015  337021  337025  337027  337031  337037  337039  337045  337049  337051  337055  337057  337061  337063  337065  337066  337067  337069  337070  337071  337073  337075  337079  337081  337085  337087  337091  337097  337099  337105  337109  337111  337115  337121  337127  337129  337135  337139  337141  337147  337151  337157  337165  447090 

2.下列词语没有错别字的一组是(  )

A.一如继往    擅长       一诺千斤       严惩不贷

B.融汇贯通    蜇伏       委曲求全       漫不经心

C.人情事故    精萃       震耳欲聋       悬梁刺股

D.九州方圆    祛除       因地制宜       贻人口实


1.下列词语中加点字的读音,全都正确的一组是(  )

A. 巨(bò)    红(yān)   标(shí)   旗蔽日(jīng)

B. 吸(shǔn)    罚(chéng)  恫(hè)    运而生(yīng)

C. 木(nè)    内(jiù)   体(tóng)  命运多(chuǎn)

D. 粗(guǎng)   色(jué)   铜(xiǜ)   酩大醉(dǐgn)



    以“Lessons from License”为题,根据以下四幅图,叙述一个年轻人参加驾照考试、获得证书等经历,并谈两点自己的看法。开头已为你写出,不计入总词数。


1.peek at 偷看         2.bandage v. 用绷带包扎


Lessons from License

A young man wanted to get a driving license. But he didn’t study the traffic, regulations















































   Dear Jianhua,

   I’m very glad do have received a letter you sent me two                 66.      

   weeks ago. I had been thinking about the question you asked            67.      

   me. In my opinion, you should go back here after you finish              68.      

     your studies in abroad. For one reason, what you are studying           69.        

   is badly needed nowadays in China. That will be quite easy              70.      

      for you to find a good job. As a matter of fact, I know a little             71.      

      big companies in our city hopes to hire people like you. For               72.        

   another reasons, I think it will be much more convenient for             73.      

      you to look your parents as they are getting old, so I think it’s            74.       

      a good idea for you to return. So what are you waiting for?              75.      

      Best wishes,


