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35.I feel sorry for those young people who don’t care for their aged people    mine.

     A.as I do care       B.do as I care       C.do as I            D.as I do


34.About seven years ago she felt she had to ask herself    she really wanted to spend her life farming. Now she has make up her mind to quit farming.

     A.when             B.whether          C.what             D.where


33.Unemployment is on the increase. A growing number of young people,    , are finding themselves out of work.

     A.in case            B.all in all           C.in particular       D.as a result


32.Peter was sure that    he drank any more of this good red wine he would fall asleep.

     A.if                 B.when             C.as                D.since


31.Children above 12 are able to take part in skiing or other activities     for them.

     A.having designed     B.designing       C.to design         D.designed


30.People aren’t waching    television as before on Christmas Day because they use their videos.

     A.too much         B.too many         C.as much          D.as many


29.Mr Brown arranged for the taxi to come at six    she would not have to wait long at the station.

     A.so that           B.even if            C.before            D.because


28.He spent much of the evening with Robert Green,     he had hardly seen in the thirty years since they had worked together at CBS.

     A.what             B.that              C.who              D.whom


27.At last, the boys found themselves in a pleasant park with trees providing shade and    down to eat their picnic lunch.

     A.to sit             B.sat               C.sitting            D.having sat


26.The researehers delermine what type of plants the virus can infect(感染) and    insects can carry the virus.

     A.those             B.why              C.which             D.how

