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35.--- Marsdon’s department store is having a sale this week. Shall we go and have a look?

   ---      . And I want to pick up a cheap video camera.

     A.You are right                           B.I hope so

     C.Let me see                             D.I’d love to


34.My newly – purchased magazine is nowhere to be found.     I have left it on the train?

     A.Could             B.Should            C.Must             D.Would


33.--- Time passes quickly, doesn’t it?

   --- Yes. It will be only a few months      we take the 2010 College Entrance Examination.

     A.since             B.after             C.before            D.when


32.Japan’s population was largest in 2006. It     to fall below 100 million by the middle of this century.

     A.is expected       B.is expecting       C.has expected      D.will be expected


31.Nowadays no one seems to show any interest in his novel, which, though,     a best seller.

     A.had been         B.was              C.has been          D.would be


30.I hope you can forgive me. I promise I will never break the     with you again.

     A.interview         B.schedule          C.arrangement      D.appointment


29.In my opinion, achieving what you set out to do isn’t so important.      is joy in the journey that truly matters.

     A.it                 B.There             C.This              D.As


28.Welcome to the World Expo, which will take place in Shanghai     May 1    

October 31.

     A.during; on         B.from; to          C.between; of       D.on; till


27.More and more people prefer to do volunteer work in areas     appeal to them to learn more.

     A.where            B.whatever         C.wherever         D.which


26.Both students and parents appreciate the great importance schools have      to eyesight protection.

     A.reacted           B.attended         C.attached          D.adapted

