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35. —Sorry indeed, I ________ to your birthday party if …

—Forget it. I know you were out on business.

A. must come     B. would come       C. must have come       D. would have come


34. —Another cup of coffee? That’s your third since lunch.

—Yeah, well, I ____ all night preparing for my history exam. I can hardly keep my eyes open.

A. stayed up      B. have stayed up        C. have been staying up   D. will stay up


33. —What’s up? You look down.  —I have piles of papers ________, but I type so slowly.

A. to be typed     B. typed               C. to type                 D. being typed


32.     We must apply what we have learned to our daily work because in no case _____ from practice.

A. should theory separate             B. should theory be separated

C. theory should separate             D. theory should be separated


31. —Why do you look so worried?

—My computer broke down and my essay ______ unfinished since.

A. was left       B. has left          C. left                 D. has been left


30.  Nowadays teachers tend to be more dependent on ________ is thought to be a great teaching aid—the computer.

A. that           B. which            C. what                  D. as


29.  ________ from Milan Trenc’s novel, the film Night at the Museum brings to life a world

where dinosaurs wander the earth.

A. Adapted       B. Adapting        C. Having adapted           D. To be adapted


28.  The patient will have to remain in hospital for another week ____ the recent medical report.

A. on behalf of    B. on the basis of        C. on the side of         D. on top of


27.  Studying alone, you are free to choose what to learn and when, ________ you don’t need others’ agreement.

A. while          B. if               C. though           D. as


26. —Why did you drop the chance of earning big money?

—________. You know, I don’t want to get rich by taking risks.

A. All is well that ends well               B. One man’s meat is another’s poison

C. Better safe than sorry                    D. No sweet without sweat

