0  337647  337655  337661  337665  337671  337673  337677  337683  337685  337691  337697  337701  337703  337707  337713  337715  337721  337725  337727  337731  337733  337737  337739  337741  337742  337743  337745  337746  337747  337749  337751  337755  337757  337761  337763  337767  337773  337775  337781  337785  337787  337791  337797  337803  337805  337811  337815  337817  337823  337827  337833  337841  447090 

28. --- I’m so sorry to have made you wait for so long.  

  --- _______  Bad traffic always happens!

  A.  How come you were late?        B.  What if you were me?

  C.  Don’t give it another thought!      D.  Give me a break!


27.  The truck ran down the hill,and the driver   ,according to the local newspaper,to have been killed.   A. was reported  B. was reporting  C. reported   D. had been reported


26. ---The ballet “Nutcracker” will be put on next week. Why not join us to the theater?

---Well, not me.     .

  A. I can’t wait to go               B. That is simply not my cup of tea

  C. I just don’t believe a single word of it!      D. That is not a point


25.  She has been in     doctors describe as a vegetative (植物的) state for six years.

    A. what             B. which             C. that                D. how


24. Carbon dioxide    from burning fuels is the most common of the so – called greenhouse gases.

    A. producing     B. having been produced  C. to be produced       D. produced


22. -John, how did your English exam go?

  -I thought I      have failed, but in fact I came in the top 10 in the class.

A. should      B. couldn’t       C. might       D. mustn’t              

23  --- When will you be through with your work, Jones?

 ---    ? My boss usually finds something for me to do at the last minute.

    A. Would you help me  B. Who knows     C. I beg your pardon      D. Anything the matter


第一节  语法和词汇知识(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)(部分选自东营市一中寒假天天练)

21. I was halfway back to the hospital where the doctor was working    Susan caught up with me.

    A. when       B. while            C. until         D. though



