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11.There are,      you don’t mind me saying so,several problems with this idea of yours.

   A.if              B.unless       C.although         D.because


10.-Why do you come on foot?

   -My bike was stolen the other day and I      a new one.

   A.didn’t get        B haven’t got     C.hadn’t got        D.don’t get


9.The number of the teachers invited       thirty, but a number of them      

   absent for different reasons.

   A.were; was        B.was; was         C.was;were        D.were;were


8.Something must be wrong with this machine,and it needs      without delay.

  A.repaired          B.to repair         C.repairing         D.being repaired


7.The students disagree      themselves about where they should go to have a

picnic.Now they are arguing with each other.

  A.with             B.on             C.to              D.among


6.-Can I tell my best friend about it?

  -No.It’s just between you and me.You      tell anyone else.

A.mustn’t          B.may not         C.needn’t          D.don’t have to


5.If you easily     to difficulties,you will never succeed.You should try your best.

  A.give up           B.give away        C.give in           D.give out


4.When she found the sleeping boy in the room,she raised her finger to her lips as

           for silence.

  A.a sign            B.a mark          C.an idea           D.an explanation


3.The only system I know       .will help you remember         you have

  heard at a lecture is the one of keeping notes.

  A.what;what       B.that;what       C.which;that       D.that;that


2.-I’m trying to have an ice-cream.I'm dying of thirst.

  -       .Let’s go and get one.

  A.My pleasure       B.Take it easy       C.So do I          D.Me, too

