0  338085  338093  338099  338103  338109  338111  338115  338121  338123  338129  338135  338139  338141  338145  338151  338153  338159  338163  338165  338169  338171  338175  338177  338179  338180  338181  338183  338184  338185  338187  338189  338193  338195  338199  338201  338205  338211  338213  338219  338223  338225  338229  338235  338241  338243  338249  338253  338255  338261  338265  338271  338279  447090 

13.-I can see from the distance that the 100-meter race winner is a tall and thin boy.

     -Oh, really? Then it    be my best friend Li Xiang, who is short and fat.

     A.can’t           B.should          C.mustn’t             D.may


12.-Is there any possible way to help them get rid of such a had habit?

     -To tell the truth , it’s very had. But we   on this problem trying to improve the situation.

     A.worked         B.had worked     C.had been working    D.are working


11.- The last one    pays the meal.


     A.arrived         B.arrives         C.to arrive        D.arriving


10.When you stay and live with     local people for period of time . you will have    

Better understanding of life here.

A.a;/             B.the; the        C./;the           D.the; a


9.-There is still a copy of the book in the library. Will you go and borrow    ?

     -No,I’d rather buy    in the bookstore.

     A.it; one          B.one ; one       C.one ; it         D.it; it


8.To my great surprise, yesterday, he asked me a few questions   there were no answers.

     A.to which        B.about which    C.in which        D.on which


7.Does this meal cost $50? I     something for better than this!

     A.prefer          B.expect         C.suggest        D.suppose


6.-Come one , please give me some ideas about the project.

  -Sorry. With so much work     my mind , I almost break down.

     A.filled           B.filling      C.to fill           D.being felled


5.-Didn’t you have a good time at the party?

     -Of cause I did. As a matter of fact, I had such fun that time seemed to     so quietly.

     A.go by           B.go away        C.go out              D.go over


4.You’re driving too fast . Can you drive     ?

     A.more slowly a bit              B.slowly a bit more   

C.a bit more slowly              D.slowly more a bit

