0  338089  338097  338103  338107  338113  338115  338119  338125  338127  338133  338139  338143  338145  338149  338155  338157  338163  338167  338169  338173  338175  338179  338181  338183  338184  338185  338187  338188  338189  338191  338193  338197  338199  338203  338205  338209  338215  338217  338223  338227  338229  338233  338239  338245  338247  338253  338257  338259  338265  338269  338275  338283  447090 

20. So     in our city that many of his fans want to get close to him.

   A. well-known is he           B. is he well-known

   C. well-known he is           D. he is well-known


19. --Thank you for your help. I might have lost my way without your guide.

  --     .

  A. You are welcome           B. My pleasure

  C. No thanks              D. That's all right


18. --The English exam is not difficult, is it?

  --Yes. Even Tom,      to the top students, failed.

  A. belongs     B. belonging     C. belonged      D. to belong


17. Information on the Internet gets around much more rapidly than     in the newspaper.

  A. it        B. those       C. that         D. one


16. --I wonder what was going on upstairs last night.

  --A party     .

  A. was held    B. was holding    C. held        D. had held


15. --You didn't come to the party last night?

  --Yes, I did. I saw you     the huge dancing hall.

  A. through    B. by       C. over       D. across


14. Mr. White, ready to retire,      in the university for 20 years.

  A. is working   B. works       C. has worked     D. worked

