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3. 体会数形结合及函数与方程的数学思想方法.






A. 请根据对话内容选择正确的单词,将其适当形式写在答题卷上。(每小题1分,共5分)

swim,   to,  book,   television,   favourite  

Tony: What’s your  61   sport, Kate?

Kate: I like running and  62. .

Tony: Do you like football?

Kate: No.

Tony: Do you like watching  63.  ?

Kate: Yes, of course.

Tony: And do you like dancing?

Kate: No, I like singing. And I like listening  64   music. What about you?

Tony: I like reading story  65  . 

B. 根据对话内容,从下面方框所给的选项中选出合适的句子补全对话,将其标号在答题卷上涂黑。(每小题1分,共5分) 

Lucy: Hi, Jean.  66   

Jean: I’d love to. But what’s the name of the film?

Lucy: It’s Mei Lanfang.

Jean: Oh, I have seen it with my parents.  67   

Lucy: Really?

Jean: Yes.  68  He loved our country very much.

Lucy: I must see it . Oh, I can’t wait to see it now. Mary has finished her homework.  69   

Jean: Good idea.

Lucy: Goodbye.

Jean:  70   

A. It’s a very good film.
B. Would you like to watch a film with me?
C. I will go to see it with her.
D. Mei Lanfang was a great Peking Opera master.
E. Bye.


60. A. people             B. teacher           C. animal            D. person

