0  339103  339111  339117  339121  339127  339129  339133  339139  339141  339147  339153  339157  339159  339163  339169  339171  339177  339181  339183  339187  339189  339193  339195  339197  339198  339199  339201  339202  339203  339205  339207  339211  339213  339217  339219  339223  339229  339231  339237  339241  339243  339247  339253  339259  339261  339267  339271  339273  339279  339283  339289  339297  447090 

25.  It was ______ back home after the experiment.

a)    not until midnight did hr go 

b)    until midnight that he didn’t go

c)    not until midnight that he went

d)    until midnight when he didn’t go


24.  Truth develops through ____ between different views.

A. discuss  B. argue  C. debate  D. quarrel


23.   As time ____ , the theory proved correct.

A.went by  B.went down  C.went through  D.went over


22.  As there was not much chance to find good jobs in their hometown,many young men now tried to _____ their fortune in cities.

A.find  B.find out  C.seek  D.look at


21.  He ____ that it had turned cloudy.

A.observed  B. watched  C. felt  D.notice


20.  The police observed the man______ the bank.

A.to enter  B. enters  C. entering  D. entered


19.  National Day is _____ by seven days of holiday in our country.

a)    congratulated  B. observed  C.held  D.cheered


18.  It’s ____ that the sick child needs food and sunshine.

A. evidently  B. obvious  C. apparently   D. plain


17.  Dong Fangzhuo plays football very well.He is a _____ footballer.

A.satisfying  B.hoping  C.promising  D.inspiring


16.  He _____ me to come to my party,but until it was over,he didn’t appear at all.

A.asked  B.told  C.promised  D.suggested

