0  339105  339113  339119  339123  339129  339131  339135  339141  339143  339149  339155  339159  339161  339165  339171  339173  339179  339183  339185  339189  339191  339195  339197  339199  339200  339201  339203  339204  339205  339207  339209  339213  339215  339219  339221  339225  339231  339233  339239  339243  339245  339249  339255  339261  339263  339269  339273  339275  339281  339285  339291  339299  447090 

45.When I handed the report to John,he said that George was the person _____ .

  A.to send  B.for sending  C.to send it to  D.for sending it to


44.She can’t help ____ the house because she’s busy making a cake.

  A.to clean  B.cleaning  C.cleaned  D.being cleaned


43.  I will lend you the book ____ I can remember who has borrowed it.

A.   if only  B.only if  C.even of  as of


42. ----______ we move the picture over there?Do you think it’ll look better?

  -----I can’t agree with you more.

A.   What you think  B.What if  C.evev if  D.Only if


41. Saddam Hussein may _____ trial for crimes against humanity within the next few weeks.

          ii.        start out  B.go on  C.turn to  D.go out


40.  Go on ____ the other exercise after you have finished this one.

           i.        to do  B.doing  C.with  D.to be doing


39.  All the money he had had been ____,so he had to make a living by begging.

           i.        used up  B.taken up  C.stayed up  D.brought up


38.  With drink and food _____ , the prisoner had to walk out of the cave where he was hiding.

A.run out  B.run out of  C.use up  D.using up


37.  Writing poetry is one of his many _____ .

A.gifts  B.talents  C.genius  D.wisdom


36.  -----Shall we have a talk with her and try to persuade her not to see a movie tonight?

-----There is no _____ talking to her.She never listens.

 A.good  B.value   C.point  D.worth

