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第二节 书面表达(满分25分)


Good morning, everybody!

As we all know, during the last few months, H1N1 flu has been spreading quickly across our country.……                                  







21-25 DDACB   26--30  DADAC   31--35   DCDDB


36-40  DADBA  41-45  DCDAC  46-50  AADCB  51-55  BAACD

56-60 ACDBA  61-65  CBDDC  66-70  DABAD  71-75 CDCDB








   It rained very hardly last summer and the little        76.

stream near our house became big river. It burst          77.

through the bank. The fields all round was soon full        78.

of water. Luckily, the water didn't reach any of the        79.

house in our village. But the bursting water from the        80.

river carried away our wooden bridge, that was over         81.

three hundred of years old. We were very sorry to          82.

lose the oldest thing we have had for such a            83.

long time. We will build a new bridge, so it will          84.

not be so familiar than the one we had before!           85.


35. A good book may be among the best of friends. It is the same today that it always ______, and it will never change.

A. is                   B. was             C. had been          D. would be


34.- What impressed you most during your stay in the UK?- The way of their museums _________.

A. to be built          B. are operated        C. displayed          D. being run

