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9.-How is everything, Jason?

  -     .

   A. Not at all             B. Very well, thank you

   C. I'm all right, thanks         D. Not too bad


8. We are quite sure that we can     our present difficulties and guarantee

  enough supply Of pork in markets.

   A. get across   B. get over     C. get away     D. get off


7. The most exciting thing for him was      he finally succeeded in

  seemed to be the most difficult exam to him.

   A. that; what   B. that; which   C. what; that   D. what; which


6. Her smooth spoken English has given her certain advantages     others

  job hunting.

   A. for; of     B. over; of     C. over; in     D. among; in


5. Since Liu Qian, a famous Taiwan magician, performed on CCTV, magic once again

  has      all over China.

   A. taken on    B. taken down   C. taken off     D. taken out


4.      and excited, the athletes from all over the world took part in the Special

  Olympics held in Shanghai.

   A. Honored    B. Honoring    C. Being honored  D. To be honored


3.-Where have you spent this term's scholarship, Lucy?

  -On a computer,     on the desk over there.

   A. that      B. this       C. one       D. the one


2. We had no food left in our backpacks, and      things worse, it began to pour.

   A. making    B. to have made  C. having made   D. to make


   第一节  语法和词汇知识(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


1.-Hi, Maria! I got the first place in the exam.

  -     ! Everyone knows you cheated and you just copied Tony's.

   A. Congratulations    B. Come on   C. Good luck    D. Cheer up


15.(12分)如图2-6-9所示,一质量不计的轻质弹簧竖立在地面上,弹簧的上端与盒子A连接在一起,下端固定在地面上.盒子A内腔为正方体,一直径略小于此正方体边长的金属圆球B恰好能放在盒内,已知弹簧的劲度系数为k=400 N/m,盒子A和金属小球B的质量均为2 kg.将盒子A向上提高,使弹簧从自由长度伸长10 cm后,由静止释放,不计阻力,盒子A和金属小球B一起做竖直方向的简谐运动,g取10 m/s2.已知弹簧处在弹性限度内,对于同一弹簧,其弹性势能只决定于其形变的大小.试求: 




