0  339485  339493  339499  339503  339509  339511  339515  339521  339523  339529  339535  339539  339541  339545  339551  339553  339559  339563  339565  339569  339571  339575  339577  339579  339580  339581  339583  339584  339585  339587  339589  339593  339595  339599  339601  339605  339611  339613  339619  339623  339625  339629  339635  339641  339643  339649  339653  339655  339661  339665  339671  339679  447090 

27. I have no dreams      to have a happy life.   

A. rather than             B. more than          C. other than          D. less than


26. Will you see to      that my birds are well looked after while I am away?   

A. them                   B. yourself             C. it                   D. me


25. The public      of the environmental problem will make the government take it seriously.  

A. awareness              B. revolution           C. existence            D. evidence


24. - Why isn't Cathy here yet?   

- She      to be picked up at the station.

A. could wait               B. must wait           C. might be waiting    D. can be waiting


23. I'm interested in a one-bed room. Do you have any     ?   

A. convenient              B. available            C. possible             D. personal


22. Isn't it lovely to think that I      myself on the sunny beach tomorrow at this time?

A. will enjoy                B. am enjoying         C. will be enjoying      D. shall enjoy


第一节  语法和词汇知识 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


例: It is generally considered unwise to give a child      he or she wants.

A. however       B. whatever       C. whichever        D. whenever   答案是B。

21. I was told that      10:15 flight would take us to Shanghai in time to reach     Fudan University.   

A. the; 不填               B. the; a               C. a; the               D. 不填; the


38.(1)1934年,法国科学家约里奥-居里夫妇用 α 粒子轰击铝(),产生出中子和磷的放射性同位素,因首次获得人工放射性物质而得到1935年的诺贝尔化学奖.请写出该核反应的方程式.              

(2)质量分别为 m1m2 的两个等半径小球,在光滑的水平面上分别以速度 v1v2 向右运动,并发生对心正碰,碰后 m2 被墙弹回,与墙碰撞过程中无能量损失, m2 返回又与 m1 相向碰撞,碰后两球都静止.求第一次碰后 m1球的速度.

