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9.donate vt.捐赠;赠送

donate sth. to sb./sth.向……捐赠……

give away sth. to sb.向……捐赠……

present sth. to sb.=present sb. with sth.向……捐赠……


8.drop out (of)退出;辍学

Since his defeat he has dropped out of politics.

She dropped out of college after only 2 weeks.


7.decline vi.变小;拒绝;变少;变弱n.下降,衰退

Her influence declined after she lost the election.

They asked me to their party, but I declined the invitation.

He declined to answer.他拒绝回答。

The land declines toward the river.那块土地向河流方向倾斜。

There has been a gradual decline in the population of the town.

on the decline衰退中(的),走下坡(的)




She was full of shame at her bad behavior and hung her head in shame.

短语:to one?s shame令某人惭愧/羞愧的是……


bring shame on sb./oneself使某人自己丢脸

Your bad behavior brings shame on the whole school.


What a shame (that) it rained on the day of your garden party!


5.live up to按……行事;做到;和……相符

    We continued to live up to our promises.

They hope he will live up to their expectation.


4.congratulate vt.祝贺;庆贺

    He congratulates them on what they have achieved.

    I congratulated him on the great discovery.

    Congratulations to you on having passed the college entrance examinations.

    We offered our congratulations to Peter on winning the first place in the game.


3.embarrass vt.使尴尬;使为难

    Are you trying to embarrass me?

    He was embarrassed when they kept telling her how clever he was.

    embarrassing adj.令人困惑的,尴尬的;embarrassment. n.窘迫,令人窘迫的人或事


2.suspect vt.怀疑;不相信n.嫌疑犯,可疑对象

    I suspect the truth of her statement.

    句型:supect sb of (doing) sth.; suspect sb to be/to have done.

    I strongly suspect that they?re trying to get rid of me.


1.pull out

    (1)vt.(车辆,船只等)驶出,(火车)驶离车站(反义词组pull in)

    The ship pulled out into the middle of the driver.


    The policeman pulled out a gun.

    (3)使……从……中退出(pull out of)

    The general pulled his troops out of the area.

