0  340924  340932  340938  340942  340948  340950  340954  340960  340962  340968  340974  340978  340980  340984  340990  340992  340998  341002  341004  341008  341010  341014  341016  341018  341019  341020  341022  341023  341024  341026  341028  341032  341034  341038  341040  341044  341050  341052  341058  341062  341064  341068  341074  341080  341082  341088  341092  341094  341100  341104  341110  341118  447090 

35._____ in the queue for half an hour,Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home.

A. To wait       B. Have waited    C. Having waited   D. To have waited


34. The library needs _____,but it’ll have to wait until Friday.

A. cleaning      B. to clean       C. being cleaned   D. to being cleaned


33.--- Catherine, I have cleaned the room for you.

---Thanks. You _______ it. I could manage it myself.

A. needn’t do     B. shouldn’t  have done    C. mustn’t do    D. needn’t have done


32. It didn’t take the children long to________ the correct answer.

A.carry out             B.figure out          C.turn out          D.give out


31.___­­__ herself to science, the great scientist took little notice _____ the honors given to her.

A. Devoted, of     B. Devoting, of    C. Devoted, about   D. Devoting, about

