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40. -Hello, Sandy. This is Jack. What are you doing?

  -I’m watching a match. It started at 7 p.m. and _____ on for another half an hour.

   A. has been      B. was        C. had been         D. will be


39. -Look at that model ship.

  -I know, but it looks like a real one. It’s just ______.

   A. small        B. very small    C. smaller        D. smallest


38. -Can you tell me how to make apple juice?

  -Sure. Please watch carefully and you will see how it ______.

   A. is made      B. is making    C. makes             D. will make


37. -I prefer to eat cakes that have cream on top.

  -______!They are delicious.

   A. Good luck     B. Me, too   C. I hope so        D. You’re kidding


36. -What ______ do you have for Paul?

  -I think he should study harder than before.

   A. news         B. advice      C. help           D. information


35. -You don’t look well. You’d better see the doctor.

  -I ______. But the doctor said there was nothing serious.

   A. have        B. am        C. will           D. was


34. -Oh! What’s the matter?

  -I’m really ______ all the time. I have no energy.

   A. busy         B. happy       C. tired          D. excited


33. -How was the youth club last night, Mark?

  -It was great fun. You ______ come.

   A. must         B. can         C. should           D. may


32. -Where is my watch? I can’t find it.

  -Don’t worry. It must be ______ in your room.

   A. somewhere     B. anywhere    C. everywhere       D. nowhere


31. Money is very important ______ it’s not the most important thing.

   A. or            B. and       C. so            D. but

