0  341388  341396  341402  341406  341412  341414  341418  341424  341426  341432  341438  341442  341444  341448  341454  341456  341462  341466  341468  341472  341474  341478  341480  341482  341483  341484  341486  341487  341488  341490  341492  341496  341498  341502  341504  341508  341514  341516  341522  341526  341528  341532  341538  341544  341546  341552  341556  341558  341564  341568  341574  341582  447090 

35.-How soon do you think the economy will recover?  -________?

A. What for    B. Who knows    C. Why not     D. How come


34. With few people _______ pigs, the price of pork ______.

A. rising; rises    B. raising; raises    C. rising; raises     D. raising; rises


33.-Here’s the key to my car. -Thanks, but I must know where you ______ it.

A. will park     B. park       C. had parked      D. parked


32. Come and see me whenever    .

    A. you are convenient          B. you will be convenient

  C. it is convenient to you         D. it will be convenient


31. It’s the same in China-many people, some ______ are not overweight at all, are always going

on diets or taking weight-loss pills, ______ are often dangerous.

A. whose; which  B. of which; who   C. of whom; which           D. who; that


30. I want to buy that kind of cloth because I ______ the cloth ______ well.

  A. have told; washed          B. have been told; washes

  C. have been told; is washed                D. was told; was washed


29.-Could you be so kind as to close the window? -______.

A. With pleasure   B. Go ahead      C. Yes, please      D. That’s OK


28. News came from the school office ______ Wang Lin had been admitted to Beijing University.

A which      B what        C that         D where


27. When I said someone cheated in the English exam, I ______ you.

A. wasn’t referring to   B. had referred to  C. hasn’t referred to     D. will refer to

