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36.(  ) We’ll go for a picnic if it _______ this weekend.

A. will rain           B. rains          C. doesn’t rain            D. won’t rain


35.(  ) It’s very hot here. Why not _______ your coat?

        A. have on           B. take off       C. put off               D. put on


34.(  ) I don’t want to read this book. There is _______ in it.

A. something interesting                       B. nothing interesting

C. interesting something                    D. interesting nothing


33.(  ) ---Did you catch what the teacher said?

---No. She spoke so fast _______ I couldn’t hear her very clearly. 

A. which             B. that           C. when             D. since


32.(  ) ---Where’s Li Hua?

---Look! He _______ tennis on the playground.      

A. plays            B. played        C. was playing        D. is playing


31.(  ) He is a very honest man. He never _______ lies.

A. says              B. speaks         C. tells               D. talks


30.(  ) It’s difficult for me to decide which one to choose, because ______ of them are good.

        A. neither               B. both          C. either             D. each


29.(  ) Mr. Li regards Ningxia as his second_______ because he has been here for over twenty years.

A. family           B. house       C. room           D. home


28.(  ) Bob is young, _______ he knows a lot.

A. because           B. so            C. but              D. unless


27.(  ) When we came to the gate, he stopped _______ me go in first.

A. to let            B. to tell         C. to allow          D. to ask

