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9.在标准状况下①6.72L CH4  ②3.01×1023个HCl分子 ③13.6g H2S ④0.2mol NH3, 下列对这四种气体的关系从大到小表达正确的是(   )

A.体积 ②>③>④>①         B.物质的量  ②>③>④>①

C.质量③>②>①>④          D.氢原子个数 ①>③>④>②


8.已知:①向KMnO4晶体滴加浓盐酸,产生黄绿色气体;②向FeCl2溶液中通入少量实验①产生的气体,溶液变黄色;③取实验②生成的溶液滴在淀粉KI试纸上,试纸变蓝色。下列判断正确的是(   )






7.下列有关氯气的叙述中,正确的是(   )

A. 工业上常用MnO2和稀盐酸共热来制取氯气

    B. 新制氯水可使蓝色石蕊试纸先变红后褪色

C. 在氧化还原反应中,Cl2只能作氧化剂

D. 若含0.4 mol HCl的浓盐酸,MnO2过量,可制得标准状况下氯气2.24 L


6.下列各种仪器:①漏斗;②容量瓶;③锥形瓶;④分液漏斗;⑤天平;⑥量筒;⑦胶头滴管;⑧蒸馏烧瓶。常用于物质分离的是(   )

A.①③⑦         B.②⑥⑦         C.①④⑧         D.④⑥⑧


5.关于物质分类的正确组合  (   )    




4.在下列物质中,在一定条件下能与某些金属、非金属、酸、碱都反应的(   )

A.Cl2           B.CO2       C.MgO        D.NaHCO3


3.下列物质的水溶液能导电,但属于非电解质的是(   )

A.HClO         B.Cl2           C.NaHCO3        D.CO2


2.下列说法中不正确的是(   )

A. 有单质参加或有单质生成的反应不一定是氧化还原反应

B. 金属单质在化学反应中一定作为还原剂

C. 化合反应一定是氧化还原反应  

D. 复分解反应一定不是氧化还原反应


1.下列变化中属于化学变化的是(   )

A.碘的升华             B.一束强光照射淀粉胶体出现光亮的通路

C.NaCl在水中电离          D.蓝色的胆矾常温下变白


13. The shop features around-the-clock service.以24小时服务为特色。

feed sth to sb ,  feed sb on sth  用…喂,养   We feed sheep on grass.

feed on = live on 以…为生  Sheep feed on grass.     be fed up with 对…受够了

feedback  反馈  We need more feedback from the consumer in order to improve our goods.

feel like doing sth = want to do sth   feel /take one’s pulse  搭脉

a feeling of hunger   饥饿感      control/hurt/relieve one's feelings  感情 

The plain here is extremely fertile.  平原极其肥沃     fertilizer  肥料

every few metres 每隔几米 , every other meter ,  quite/only  a few books  相当一部分书    

fierce  凶猛的   fierce dogs

He has an income of six figures.  六位数的收入    She has a good figure.  她身材很好。

be filled with = be full of      fill in 填写  fill in the table

make a film  拍电影   develop a film  冲洗胶卷    a roll of film 一卷胶卷

finance  财政,资金  an expert in finance   finance the plan 给计划提供资金

financial  金融的   Tokyo and New York are major financial centers.

pay a fine  付罚款   pay the bill 

the finished products 成品

catch fire 着火  make a fire 生火   on fire 着火   set sth on fire = set fire to sth 纵火   

fire sb  解雇   hire sb 雇佣  

firm  坚定的,坚固的   The ground is not firm enough to walk on.

first aid  急救   first of all 首先   First of all he just smiled, then he started to laugh 

sth fit sb 适合(大小、尺寸) The coat suits me well, but doesn’t fit me.  keep fit 保持健康

sb be fit to do ,  sb be fit for  适合干…   The key doesn't fit the lock.  钥匙不配锁

sth suit sb  适合(颜色、款式)   suit sth to sb 使…适合某人  suit his lessons to his students

fix sth = repair sth = mend sth  修理    fix one's eye on 把视线注意在…

fix one’s attention on   fixed prices  固定的   a fixed rate of interest  固定利率

be in flames = be on fire   着火

a flash of lightening  一道闪电 

A lighthouse flashed during the storm.  灯塔闪光   flash a message on the screen

flash back  回顾,回忆  My mind flashed back to our previous meeting.

flesh  肉,果肉  flesh and blood

flexible  易弯曲的,灵活的  flexible plastic tubing  有弹性的塑料管

float  浮游    The boat floated along/down the river.

flow  流动   the constant flow of music    the flow of traffic  交通流量

   Keep the traffic flowing.  保持交通畅通无阻   Her tears flowed down her cheeks.

flutter  飘动   The kite fluttered in the sky.

speak fluent English   讲流利的英语

fly kites  放风筝    Time flies 时光飞逝

the focus of the world’s attention   …的焦点

focus one's efforts on 全力以赴干…   focus one's attention on=concentrate on

the folk songs  民歌   the classical music   the pop music

I followed him.我跟踪他。    I was followed.我被跟踪。    

Do you follow me ? = Can you understand what I have said?

follow one's advice/suggestion 听从 follow the fashion 赶时髦

follow one's example 以…为榜样  as follows 如下   The report reads as follows.

following 下列的    in the following years = in the years to come  

The fallowing is of great value.   The following were present at the meeting.

be fond of 喜欢

You are a fool.  蠢人     fool sb (into doingsth, out of doing sth)  愚弄,欺骗 

It's foolish of you to stay up late. 愚蠢的

silly   愚蠢的(使人发笑)    do silly tricks   做令人发笑把戏

stupid   笨拙的     He is a stupid man.

at the foot of = at the bottom of   on foot  I’d rather go there on foot rather than by bus.

for  fight for   (表示目的)为了,    for the sake of  ,

    be famous for(表原因)     be for = be in favour of 支持  

   mistake A for B    leave for动身去…   send for 派人去叫   enter for 报名参加

for all(=in spite of, despite) 尽管  For all his efforts, he failed in the exam.

run for 竞选;持续…   for good = forever 永远    for example = for instance 例如

    He is taller for his age. 他相对于他年龄而言太高了。

forbid sb to do sth  禁止某人干…The doctor forbad him to smoke.

by force 通过武力  come into force = come into effect 开始生效   put into effect 实施

        force sth on sb 把…强加给…  Don’t force your idea on your children.  force sb to do (oblige sb to do sth)

forget to do sth 忘记去做…    forget doing sth 忘记做过了…

forgive sb sth   原谅某人某事    forgive sb for doing sth

in the form of 以…方式      fill in this form (表格)

form the habit of doing  形成      form a conculsion  得出一个结论 

the former world champion  前世界冠军  

former  二者中的前者   A: Would you like tea or coffee ?  B: The former .  表示要tea

and so forth = and so on 等等    back and forth  来回

make a fortune by/from doing 通过…发财  try one's fortune 碰运气 tell other's fortunes 算命

take two steps forward 朝前走两步    I looked forward only to see a bike.  朝前看

look forward to doing 期待  I am looking forward to seeing her.

a frank reply  坦诚的回答  to be frank with you  老实对你说   frankly speaking

I'm free. 我有空。   be free of/from 免于    set sb free  释放…

be free to do... 自由自在去做…    You are free to do what you like this afternoon.

The tickets is free.  免费的     free of charge  免费的

freezing weather   很冷的气候    the frozen food 速冻食品

frequent  经常的  Rains are here in spring.

fresh fruit 新鲜水果   fresh air 清新空气   fresh water 淡水

a man fresh from the countryside.一个刚从乡下来的人。

make friends with sb

friendly  adj.友好的  in a friendly way 以友好的方式   He is friendly to everyone.

frighten sb into doing sth   恐吓某人干…  frighten sb out of doing sth 恐吓…

be frightened of sth 害怕    She is frightened of ghost.她怕鬼。

be made from   由…组成(看得出材料)  be different from  suffer from  遭受… 

tell A from B,  quote from  ,  prevent/keep/stop sb from doing  from then on从那时起

from now on 从现在开始    from behind the door 从门后    from under the table    

a front seat前排座位    He lost his life at the front .他在前线死了。

in the front of 在…前部     in front of 在…前面

fulfill  完成, 实现   fulfill the tasks assigned by him  ,   fulfill one’s promise

be full of , get full makes 得满分,  at full speed 全速,  pay in full付全额 , to the full 至极限

make fun of = play a joke on 取笑           for fun  为了乐趣

The machine doesn’t function properly.  运转, 活动

furnish  装备, 为…配备家具     a furnished room  配备家具的房间

a piece of furniture 一件家具    a set of furniture  一套家具

go abroad for further education 出国深造    look further into this matter 进一步调查

Have you any further question to ask? 你有更多问题要问吗?

He has a bright future 有一个光明的未来   in future 今后, 往后  in the future未来, 将来

