0  342074  342082  342088  342092  342098  342100  342104  342110  342112  342118  342124  342128  342130  342134  342140  342142  342148  342152  342154  342158  342160  342164  342166  342168  342169  342170  342172  342173  342174  342176  342178  342182  342184  342188  342190  342194  342200  342202  342208  342212  342214  342218  342224  342230  342232  342238  342242  342244  342250  342254  342260  342268  447090 

1.下列词语中加点的字,每对读音都不相同的一组是(    )   (3分)

A.慰/声名狼   气/外妖娆  下/歌载舞

B.红/缠绵恻   奢/所向披   击/前后恭

C.亲/古不化   吝/锵玫瑰   铜/乳未干

D.水/岌岌可危   觊/不可越   脸/汗流


35. ---Mike, you know, I have read the book twice!

  ---______? I have read it so many times that I can recite it now.

  A. How come   B. What do you reckon   C. What for   D. So what


34. -I hear you have an experience in the Royal Air Force. Is that ture?

-Yes. I ______ in the Royal Air Force for six years.

  A. served    B had served     C joined    D have joined

