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6.     lack vt.缺乏;没有  n.缺乏;短缺的东西


lack sth.(wisdom/common sense/money缺乏智慧/常识/金钱)

be lacking in (courage/determination to do...) 缺乏做某事的勇气/决心

a/the lack of…  ……的缺乏

for lack of  因缺乏……

have no lack of 不缺乏


1) You will not be lacking in support from me. 你将得到我的帮助

2) I lacked for nothing. 我不需要任何东西


1)Though _________(1ack)money,his parents managed to send him to university.  

2)He completely _______ conscience.

3)She is ________ in responsibility.

4) ______ of rest makes her look tired.

Keys: 1)lacking 2)lacked 3) lacking 4)Lack


5.     previous adj.先的, 前的; 事前的; 以前的


previous to 在……之前


1)He did better in his previous study.他在预习方面做得好。

2)His previous attempt was successful. 他以前的尝试成功了。

3)Previous to the conference we had discussed the matter.


[练习] 汉译英





Keys: 1)Do you have any previous experience of this kind of job? 2)Previous to coming here, I prepared all the documents for you.


4.     remind v.提醒;使想起


1) The picture reminds me of my college days.这张照片使我想起了大学里的日子。

2) Remind me to write to father.请提醒我给父亲写信。

3) Please remind me that I must call her up before nine.请提醒我九点前给她打个电话。


remind sb.of sth.=remind sb.about... 提醒某人某事;

remind sb.that也可以表示“提醒某人做某事”或“使某人想起去做某事”。


 What you said just now_____ me of that American professor.

A. mentioned  B. informed  C. reminded  D. memorized

[解析]remind sb. of sth.使/让某人想起某事;informed sb. of sth.通知某人事情。A,D都无此结构。答案:C。


1)Please remind yourself often ______ your weak points,shortcomings and mistakes.  

2)Please remind him _______________(post)the letters.

Keys: 1) of 2) to post


3.     impression n.印;印痕;印记;印象;意念;概念


1) Your performance gave me a strong impression.你的表演给我留下了很深的印象。

2) What I said made no impression on him.我的话对他不起作用。


impress v.留下印象

impress sth.on/upon one's mind 把……牢记在心上

have an impression of sth./doing sth.that…

make an impression on sb.  给某人留下印象

make no impression on 对……无影响/效果

give sb.a favorable impression给某人以好印象

an impression of sb's foot某人的脚印

[练习] 汉译英

1)     我隐约记得我们以前曾经见过面


2)     你对他的印象如何? (他给你的印象怎样?)


3)     我父亲让我铭记艰苦劳动的价值。

Keys: 1)I have the impression that we have met once before. 2)What's your impression of him? 3)My father impressed on me the value of hard work.


2.     settlement n. 1) 定居点[C]  2)(解决纷争的)协议[C]  3) 解决,处理[U]


1) The Indians often attacked the settlements of the colonist.


2) The strikers and the employers have reached a settlement over new working conditions.


3) After the settlement of our differences, we became friends. 消除分歧后,我们成了朋友。


settle v.定居

come to a settlement解决; 决定; 和解

settle in Canada. 定居加拿大

settle down安顿下来:过稳定有序的生活:

[练习] 汉译英

1) 他与一家人安顿下来务农


2) 她丈夫死后,她定居俄亥俄


Keys: 1) He settled down as a farmer with a family. 2) After the death of her husband, she settled her family in Ohio.


1.     private adj. 1)私人的;个人的 2)私下的, 保密的;


1) When children grow up, they are eager to get private rooms for themselves.


2) I wish to have a private talk with you. 我想私底下和你谈谈。

[练习] 汉译英

1)    老师应该允许孩子具有自己的观点。


2)    私下讨论后,他们达成令人满意的协议。


Keys: 1)Teachers should allow children to have their private opinion. 2) They reached a satisfying agreement after the private discussion.










                  The Most Influential Book in My Life

   Jane gives us the outline of the book, The Story of My Life by Helen Keller. The book is filled with courage, struggle and faith throughout, which affects Jane's life most influentially, and she expects herself to be courageous as Helen Keller.

   Books really have good or bad influence on one's growth. To me, the book named Monkey King by Wu Chengen is the most influential book in my life. The Monkey King, Sun Wukong, had a bitter experience of helping his master overcome a great many difficulties in order to get good results. In fact, Failure is a common thing in life. But there are different attitudes towards failure. Years ago, I had a bad attitude towards my failure. However, I have had a good attitude towards failure since I read the book. Now, I don't mind failure because it isn't indeed a bad matter, which tells us how to approach our goal. Whenever I am faced with great difficulties, I never say easily, "I will give up!"

   Good books are both important and beneficial to the character development and personal growth of the young people. This is what I have got from my experience.

Unit3  Life in future



1.    surrounding/ environment  2.swiftly/fast/quick/soon
1.settlement n. 定居;解决
settle v. 安放, 使定居, 安排; 安家, 定居
2. surrounding n. 周围的事物;环境 
surround v. 包围, 围绕
3. press v. 按;压;逼迫
pressure n. 压, 压力,
4.require v. 需要;要求;命令
requirement n. 需要;要求;命令
1.     private adj.私人的;私有的
2.     settlement n.定居;解决
3.     impression n.印象;感想;印记
4.     remind v.提醒;使想起
5.     previous adj.在前的;早先的
6.     lack v.缺乏;没有  n.缺乏;短缺的东西
7.     require v.需要;要求;命令
8.     assist v.援助;帮助;协助
1.take up  拿起;接受;开始;继续
2.be similar to 与……相似
3.in all directions向四面八方
4.lose sight of/ catch sight of不再看见....../ 瞥见……
5.sweep up打扫;横扫      
1.    What problems do you think people in the future will have overcome?
2.    This is similar to the “jet lag” you get when flying,…

I词语辨析  (旨在提供完形填空所需材料)

1). surrounding/ environment n. 环境
surrounding 指周围或附近的一切事物;环境(常用复数)
environment 指生态环境,自然环境(与the连用);还指影响个体或事物行为或发展的环境.
[练习]选择surrounding 或environment并用其适当的形式填空
10)        Good work cannot be done in unpleasant or uncomfortable_____________.
11)        A happy family provides a loving __________for its children.
12)        The house is in beautiful_______________.
13)        It is our duty to protect the _________from pollution.
5)Moss grows best in a shady, damp____________.
Keys: 1)surroundings 2)environment 3) surroundings 4) environment 5)environment
2). swift/fast/quick/soon
fast 更多指运动中的人或物
soon 时间副词,指先后发生的两件事之间的时间间隔短
1)A _______ car knocked down a boy in the main street. 飞驰的汽车;
2)Only her ________reaction prevented an accident. 她的快捷反应避免了一次事故。
3)He has a _______but unclear handwriting 流畅但不清楚的书法笔迹
4)Let's eat a ________snack. 让我们吃一顿快餐吧!
5)______ we will arrive in Hongkong.
Keys: 1)fast 2)quick 3)swift  4)quick 5)Soon

II 词性变化 (旨在提供语法填空所需材料)

settlement n. 定居;解决
settle v. 安放, 使定居, 安排; 安家, 定居
surrounding n. 周围的事物;环境 
surround v. 包围, 围绕
press v. 按;压;逼迫
pressure n. 压, 压力,
require v. 需要;要求;命令
requirement n. 需要;要求;命令
impression n. 印象, 感想,
impress v. 印, 留下印象
1)  _________ by green hill on the north and south and a blue sea on the east, this city really enjoys nice ______________.(surrounding)
2)  It’s time you _________ your difference with your father. (settlement)
3)  ---What’s your __________ of the new teacher?
---He is a kind and handsome young man, but what _____ me most is his sense of humour.(impression)
4)  It is _________ that all students should wear the school uniform in school, but not all students obey the _________. (require)
5)  The nurse ______ the wound and the _______ to the arm stopped the bleeding at last. (press)
keys: 1)Surrounded; surroundings 2)settled; 3)impression; impresses 4)required; requirement 5)pressed; pressure

Ⅲ 重点词汇 (旨在提供综合运用所需材料)


2.本文的概要必须包含以下要点:I like the book named The Story of My Life by Helen Keller,

which is the most influential book in my life./The book is inspiring.../It is filled with courage, struggle and faith throughout./I hope I can be as courageous as she.


1.写作有可能用到的主要短语和单词:印象impression,影响affect/have influence on sth./have an effect on sth.





