0  342143  342151  342157  342161  342167  342169  342173  342179  342181  342187  342193  342197  342199  342203  342209  342211  342217  342221  342223  342227  342229  342233  342235  342237  342238  342239  342241  342242  342243  342245  342247  342251  342253  342257  342259  342263  342269  342271  342277  342281  342283  342287  342293  342299  342301  342307  342311  342313  342319  342323  342329  342337  447090 

35.-I am leaving for the States tomorrow, Caroline!


     A.Take your time.    B.All the best!       C.Well done!        D.That’s OK.


34.    in the leg made it impossible for him to walk home.

     A.Injured           B.Being injured      C.To be injured      D.Having injured


33.She just couldn’t believe that her husband    desert her after he became rich.

     A.might             B.must             C.should            D.shall


32.Never before    so highly successful in his attempts to forecast the weather accurately on a small scale.

     A.man has been     B.man is            C.has man been     D.will be man


31.Mr. Smith has two sons, one of    working as a bus driver.

     A.them             B.who              C.whom            D.whose


30.I admired the painting, and Ted said he would like me to have   as a gift from him.

     A.some             B.this             C.one              D.it


29.Miss Li      as a secretary for five years in the company, and now she is general manager of it.

     A.has served                          B.served           C.had served   D.serves


28.The National Day Parade for the 60th anniversary of the founding of China is so grand that it certainly doesn't _____ the whole nation.

     A.let down      B.calm down        C.break down       D.set down 

