0  342287  342295  342301  342305  342311  342313  342317  342323  342325  342331  342337  342341  342343  342347  342353  342355  342361  342365  342367  342371  342373  342377  342379  342381  342382  342383  342385  342386  342387  342389  342391  342395  342397  342401  342403  342407  342413  342415  342421  342425  342427  342431  342437  342443  342445  342451  342455  342457  342463  342467  342473  342481  447090 

18. Learning a foreign language calls for your memory, time, patience and emotions.____, it is not a simple thing.

A. As a result     B. In short     C. In generally        D. In the conclusion


17. ---- Have you been here before?

---- This is the second time I ______to the Great Wall.

A. comes       B. have been       C. came           D. had come


16. ---- Shall we go to the art exhibition right away?

  ---- _____.

   A. It’s your opinion           B. I don’t mind 

C. It’s all up to you            D. That’s your decision.


15. _______the programme, they have to stay there for another three weeks.

A. Not completing                 B. Not completed 

C. Not having completed         D. Having not completed


14. --- Is Mr. Smith in the office?

  --- Yes,_____ he is in charge of the office,he must be there.

  A. however    B. since          C. whether        D. for


12. ______ the day went on, the weather got worse.

A. With       B. Since       C. While        D. As

13 He moved to Germany in _____, when he was in _____.

 A. the late 1990s; his sixties    B. late 1990s; his sixties

 C. the late 1990s; the sixties    D. late 1990s; the sixties


11. ---- Which city will be     host city for the next Olympic Games?  

  ---- London. 

A. a      B. /         C. the        D. an 


第二节  情景对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)

根据对话情景和内容,从对话后所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。注意:E涂 AB, F涂 AC, G涂 AD

M: Hello, please sit down.

W:  6  Well, let me get a start.John and I have been married for sixteen years.We haven't been very happy for quite some time.We argue all the time.

M:   7  

W:  Oh, anything.For example, when our children started school, I got a job.Well, anyway, by the time I pick up the children from school, I only get home about half an hour before John.

M:  Yes?

W: Well, when he gets home, he expects me to run around and make dinner.He never does anything in the house.   8 

M:  I see.Is your husband here?

W':  9  He doesn’t  want to come here, but well…, I have persuaded him to do it.

M: OK.   10  

W: No, of course not.


B.After all, I' m not his servant.

C.If you don't mind, I'd like to talk with him for a moment.

D.What do you argue about?

E.Are you worried about it?

F.Yes, he' s waiting outside.

G.I' m not quite sure.

第三节  语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)



5.breathe     A.[bri:W]           B.[breiT]           C.[breiW]           D.[bri:T]


4.breakfast    A.[5breikf[@t]       B.[5brekf[@t]     C.[5breikfE:@t]    D.[5brekfE:@t]

