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20.If you are unable to attend the interview, for     reason, you should inform us immediately.

A. no matter what                   B. whatever          

C. however                     D. no matter how


19. You should write it in a style which is     to your subject.

   A. accurate        B. attractive       C. appropriate     D. available


18.From the look on his face , I knew that the end had come, one way or     .

A. another         B. others        C. other       D. the others


17. It’s a pity that you     leave so soon. It’s been so nice having you here.

   A. should         B. could        C. can        D. might


16. - Where is your new home now?

  -In the new developed zone. But I     downtown for five years.

  A. have lived                  B. had lived      C. lived        D. was living 

