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15.    was most important to her, she told me,was her family.

     A.It              B.This            C.What            D.As


14.If you      hard before,you     the answer now.

     A.studied;could                      B.had studied;could know

     C.had studied;are knowing               D.studied;are knowing


13.According to the law, one half of his money and goods    be given to the people of the city.

     A.need            B.might           C.has to           D.shall


12.-Have you chosen a topic for your speech yet?  

   -No.I     a lot about it,but I haven’t decided.

     A.will think                         B.have been thinking  

    C.had thought                         D.was thinking


11.In modem times,people have to      learn to a11 kinds of pressure although they are leading a comfortable life.

     A.keep with        B.stay with         C.meet with         D.1ive with


10.The hotel was awful!     ,our room was far too small.Then we found that the shower didn’t work.  

     A.To begin with                       B.After all  

    C.In reality                           D.As a whole


9.The teacher asked us to write a     article.

   A.two-thousand-word                   B.two-thousands-word

   C.two-thousand-words                   D.two-thousands-words


8.With April 18’s railway speedup,highway and transport will have to compete with  

service for passengers.

     A.good           B.better           C.best             D.the best


7.一Mum have you seen my mobile phone?

      you bought last week? I’m afraid I haven’t seen    

    A.The one;it                        B.The one;one 

    C.One;it                           D.One;one


6.       apple fell from the tree and hit him on head.

   A.An;the         B.The;the        C.An;/         D.The:/

