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45. A。  作者意图猜测题。作者刚开始介绍了NICE关于孕妇饮酒的新的规定,然后第五段NICE提出了一些关爱英国怀孕妇女的建议,所以应该选A。





44. B。  推理判断题。文中的第四段是National Childbirth Trust的发现,根据“... agreed women should limit their drinking during pregnancy. ‘Pregnant women who have had a few drinks often worry a great deal about whether they have harmed their baby.’”可以看出,即使喝酒不多的孕妇也会很担心喝酒会对胎儿不利,所以B正确。A项是不完整的,文中说“In general, it is believed that if a light, infrequent drinker, in good health, drinks to the point of drunkenness on one occasion, the risk to her baby is small.”可知对胎儿造成比较微小的危险的怀孕妇女有以下特征:light, infrequent drinker, in good health, on one occasion,而此选项只是断章取义,所以错误,同理,D项也由此判断为错误选项。


43. D。  事实细节题。根据文章第五段的“About 20,000 pregnancies each year are affected by diabetes and, therefore, carry higher risk of miscarriage and still birth.”可以看出,患有糖尿病的孕妇有着很高的流产风险,所以应该选D。


42. B。  词义猜测题。根据词汇所在的句子“The experts said there was no evidence that several ounces once or twice a week would do any harm to the baby but could not categorically rule out any risk.”的句意:专家认为没有证据表明一周内喝一次或两次几盎司的就会对胎儿造成伤害,但是不能(categorically)排除任何危险。根据下段的最后一句the risk to her baby is small可知少量的饮酒对胎儿会造成比较微小的伤害,所以categorically在这里意为“完全地”,也就是说,专家认为没有证据表明一周内喝一次或两次几盎司的就会对胎儿造成伤害,但是不能完全排除危险。


41. C。  事实细节题。题干考查the Department of Health关于孕妇喝酒的建议,文中第二段说到“The Department of Health in England changed its guidance last year, calling for no drinking while pregnant or while trying to get pregnant.”可以看出,该机构现在呼吁孕妇在怀孕期间不要喝酒,因此C项正确。


45. In this passage, the author mainly intends to ___________.

   A. show NICE's new guidance on pregnant women's alcohol drinking and its advice for the care of pregnant women

   B. warn pregnant women against any alcohol during pregnancy

   C. show the present situation of pregnant women's drinking limit

   D. call for more care for pregnant women in society




44. National Childbirth Trust found that __________.

   A. a pregnant woman drinking alcohol infrequently has little risk to her baby

   B. pregnant women who drink a little occasionally are always afraid of the effects

   C. there is no evidence that a pregnant woman drinking alcohol might harm her baby

   D. getting drunk once won’t harm the baby


43. According to the passage, miscarriage is caused most probably by __________.

   A. the lack of vitamin D and folic acid

   B. rickets and spina bifida

   C. the lack of doctors' advice and support

   D. diabetes carded by pregnant women


42. What's the meaning of the underlined word "categorically'' in Paragraph 3 ?

   A. Honestly.      B. Absolutely.     C. Physically.     D. Doubtfully.


41. What is the advice made by the Department of Health on drinking alcohol during pregnancy?

   A. Little in the first three months and a gradual increase afterwards.

   B. An ounce a day after the first three months.

   C. No drinking for pregnant women.

   D. Those who drink regularly need not worry about the harm to their babies.

